Oh dear - Video of some yahoos shooting a 5 gallon propane tank.

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We tried that once as kids, with the 20 gallon tank. Unfortunately the one who purchased the tank did not know that you have to fill it up first--very disappointing. Although now after seeing that clip, I think that if it had worked someone would have died and there would have been an unstoppable brush fire.

Although we had a great deal of success with aerosol cans and the 1 pound tanks.
reckless shooting is a bit like reckless driving, someone may just get hurt and you'll never forgive yourself for it.

IMHO, It's best just to be responsible.
"Uh huh. That was cool. Huh huh."

Man, I love my 5 gallon propane tanks. I'd never shoot one. They're always there when I need a hot dog, a burger or a kabob. They never complain, rain or shine, cold or hot.

I find the idea of shooting one to be just plain wrong.
tannerite is just as stupid, especially the homemade stuff, in large quanities...

Since when did legal explosives become not cool? I must've missed that memo...

shooting that propane tank wasn't exactly the safest idea, but boy was that fun to watch[:D]
That looked pretty cool, but I have to say that's just too dangerous for any halfway intelligent person to attempt. I hope for society's sake that these fools don't reproduce. Shooting an aerosol can is one thing - still dangerous but not likely to cause the kind of injury a 5 gallon propane tank would. A propane tank? These people each need to grow a brain.
This is one of those things that many of us have wanted to do, even thought about doing, but most of us are intelligent enough NOT to.

I'm sorry, but I think we should not encourage this sort of thing.

I don't think we're encouraging anything. We're calling these people what they are, idiots. However, idiots will continue to do idiotic things, and fortunately for the rest of us, they put it on Youtube and other places where we may laugh at their stupidity.
I won't say it was stupid, except that they were not far enough away. Don't see any harm, other than the waste of a good propane tank (Regards, ArmedBear) as long as you make sure you aren't gonna catch anything on fire and are shooting from a LOOOONNNNG range (which they weren't).

Thank God there are people stupid enough to entertain the rest of us.

Dang. I just called them stupid.
If you click on the "other videos by this user" you'll find this bunch of idjits made another one using a smaller propane tank, which just happened to hit one of the yahoos who was shooting at it. Unfortunately, based on the comments, I don't think they learned anything from it.
What if some innocent person was on the other side of that explosion, like a hiker, or somebody running a dog, or a family camping ? We watch this crap, and laugh, and provide a link to it...Its not funny if somebody gets hurt just for a laugh. Then we all get a bad name, its just what the gun grabbers wait for.
Oh, that other one was funny.

*POOM* *fwap* "OW!"

"hey, at least you saved it from hittin yer truck".

While such a stunt is hilarious to watch on video, the total lack of innate intelligence that allows amateurs to attempt these type of tricks is astounding. I can safely say that as long as functional brain donors such as these have access to tools and other devices of the modern world I will never lack for work. Morons such as these form a veritable conga line of pain to the registration window of the ER. And many of them start the description of how they were injured with phrases such as....." I got some air dude".

If the authors of this tape continue in their quest for recognition in the world of amateur special effects I think it is safe to assume one of them will eventually end up as a Darwin award winner. To paraphrase a politicians line......"there is place for people to go that like blowing things up, that place is the military. Join up now."
Man, I love my 5 gallon propane tanks. I'd never shoot one. They're always there when I need a hot dog, a burger or a kabob. They never complain, rain or shine, cold or hot.

i cant believe they set it on fire with gas while being right next to it and then slowly paddled away.

also looks like they didnt shoot it too good if at all. that fireball was probably a result of the tank building up pressure from the heat of the fire and venting out the relief valve thus causing it to turn into an unguided rocket.
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