Ohio Carry Querry

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Staff member
Oct 23, 2004
I'm on my way from TN to Camp Perry in Ohio for the '08 national matches. Along the way, I'm going to detour into downtown Cleveland (catch an Indians game) and go to downtown Indianapolis, IN (work).

Anything recent laws I need to know about regarding ccw?

How are people carrying in vehicles these days?
What places are off limits?

Does Columbus or any other city still have an AWB? (I'll be carrying an AR15 service rifle config for the matches)

There is statewide preemption. Know the state laws on CCW and you know what you need to know.

The Mayor of Cleveland thinks he still has an AWB, but the Cleveland FOP told him to pound sand, and advised its officers not to get sued enforcing an imaginary law.

You no longer need to open carry in a car.

You may not carry at a place which serves liquor for on premises consumption.

Go to the Ohio Attorney General's Office website and download the CCW pamphlet.
You should be okay. Case your AR and put it and the ammo in the trunk. No loaded mags. Our new and improved (see: common sense) transport law doesn't go into effect until September. New transport law explaination

Cleveland's cops, as mentioned, are on the bandwagon with the preemption even if their esteemed mayor is not. I've heard rumors that Columbus is still a little on the "enthusiastic" side, but have nothing to verify that. I think word is getting out that the gun-groups are holding the cops to the law.

From your wording I assume you have a TN carry permit. Keep an eye out for the universal "Criminal Protection Zone" signs. By law they have to be prominently displayed at all customer entrances(usually on the door, but can be on a nearby window), though they can be any size, so sometimes you have to look.

Since much of Ohio has been declared Smoke Free Zones, you'll often see a sign that looks like a CPZ at a glance, but it's actually just a "no smoking".
If carrying in your vehicle, you have a duty to notify an officer who stops you immediately that you are a permit holder and that you're carrying.

Otherwise, everything is cool. Enjoy your trip to wonderful Ohio.
You may not carry in any establishment that dispenses liquor for consumption- although it's not 100% clear what makes it so and there is debate if beer = liquor - the law says a "D" permit, but there are different "D" permits. To be safe, anywhere that serves should be avoided- including nearly every restaurant with a bar. We're working on fixing this.

Also you may not carry in any government owned buildings or government premises- this includes (for now) bathroom buildings in rest areas- however SB184 reforming some of the CC laws has passed and is about to go into law- which means you will be allowed to carry in bathrooms, shelters, etc.

Google Ohio SB184- but be aware it is not in effect yet but shortly.
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