Ohio Ordnance 1918A3 BAR

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Yeah! They are big, heavy and expensive. My buddy works at a dealer and got his for half off, still about 1k too much for my liking. Its impractical, heavy, but by far the coolest gun I have held.
from someone who owns one, yes they are big and heavy...and they're supossed to be!

Ohio Ordnance makes some of the finest quality rifles out there.

Oh wait. Mine's lighter, holds more than twice as many rounds, cost about half as much, uses cheaper ammo, and has a quickchange barrel...
Why do they cost so much? I am just wondering,I mean even S&W has its limits when it comes to prices. So why charge so much, is because ti is a replica but than I have seen black powder replicas for far cheaper.
Axel, my guess as to why they cost so much is that they use original 1918A3 parts except for the reciever which they make themselves.

Vaarok, what is that?
I love my BAR. And yes, it's heavy as hell! My BAR is all orginal USGI minus the receiver. The Barrel is a Winchester dated 10-18, the stock is NOS WW2, gas tube is NOS from WW2, and the trigger assembly is NOS from the early 50's. But these days, mosy of the parts used on new Ohio Ordnance BAR's are newly made parts :( Here's a pic :eek:

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