OK, a dumb question on dry firing...

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Nov 26, 2008
As you can probably tell, I'm somewhat new with handguns. However, I really really enjoy shooting my guns at the range. I also am a staunch supporter of our 2nd amendment rights. I will do everything I can to defend these rights for the next 4 years!!

Now, my question. When dry firing my Ruger 380 LCP, do I load the snap caps into the magazine? Does it cycle like regular shooting, or do I need to rack after every trigger pull?

I know this is probably a dumb question, but then what question is not dumb? THANKS in advance for any help.
The only dumb question is the one never asked. You will have to rack the slide after every trigger pull.
Yep, no pressure from any firing to do the work for you.

Looking at the video of them firing the gun it looks like it's a DA only pistol from the length of the trigger pull. If that is truly the case there's no need to rack the slide at all. On a DA only pistol every trigger pull is the same regardless of if you rack it or not.
You will have to rack the slide after every trigger pull.
The LCP is not true DA, so yes you must "rack" for each practice shot. However, you can cheat and only pull the slide back a short way, not ejecting the snap cap. That's much easier if you are just wanting to practice dry-firing, and not racking. You only need to go far enough back that the hammer goes to half-cock. The other half goes when you pull the trigger. Play with it - you'll see what I mean...

BTW, Ruger recommends AGAINST dry-firing without snap caps in the LCP, so you are smart to use them...
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