Ok, talk me in-to/out-of buying this pistol.

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Apr 12, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, Florida
I would really like a Colt 1903 Pocket Hammerless. And a semi-local store has one. In bad shape. Lots of pitting, lots of rough spots: basically I would either be replacing the slide or spending a lot of time to build up plating to get the damage out. But the price is good! $300.
I'm a gunsmithing student so when I look at this gun, it's like a sad little kitten is looking back at me with great big eyes saying "Take me home! Love me! Feed me well and make me pretty again!"
Then we get into the logistics of it. I am not a resident of the state, but I will be 21 in less than a month. One option is to have it sent to Florida to my friend with an FFL and then pick it up when I'm home on Thanksgiving break. I'm open to other options.

so, I really need advise. It's in bad shape so I don;t think someone is gonna snatch it up, but I don't wanna wait the 3 months it would take me to qualify to buy it as a NC resident. It may be gone by then.
I don't know the blue-book value on this gun but $300 is more than the value I would personally place on it given the description you gave. Pass.
If you want an old, beat up hammerless to fix up you could get an h+r or such for alot less.
what is money but a means to an end? If you really want it - even if it's $100 more than you should spend on it - I say get it. If it gives you hours and hours of enjoyment and practice on your chosen trade, then it's a paltry investment.

And they aren't making them anymore so it isn't as if you can pick and choose from the vast supply of sub-$400 1903's.

Having said that - I just bought one yesterday for $215 ;)
H&R made a clone of the Webly .32. I've got one and it shoots good and is cool looking. The price they are asking is criminal. Depending on the damage to the slide it might be a very good candidate for engraving. I've got one set aside for that when i can get the money .


Forty, forty-five years from now, do you want to be saying, "I shoulda bought that thing back in '11 when I had the chance." ? Buy it, and save your later regrets for some other unspecified youthful indiscretion! Enjoy your foolish youth while it lasts.....
Try to talk the owner into giving it to you for 200-250, if you can do that....get it.
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