OK, when will Correia offer more Molon Labe stuff?

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Dec 28, 2002
The far west.
I feel the need to expand my wardrobe, such as it is and what there is of it.

Plus, I came out of the holidays with more than lunch money left.
Oh, don't worry Path. I'm already here. :)

I'm sure I will do more in the near future. Just not right now. Lots of other stuff going on.
Whew, I was worried there for a minute by the last batch stuff. I had been thinking that was strictly TFL stuff and not Molon Labe stuff, this got me all worried for a minute...

I've already got a Molon Labe hat (which I love) but the thought of not being able to ever buy anymore of the stuff or a replacement hat when it wears out is just too much to bear, lol...
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