Older Evil Anti Document Fallacy

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Schmucks can't even spell "populace"....

Kinda makes you wonder if there are any other accuracies present....

Criminal-friendly nonsense....

Don't forget, it's about control....

I love this paragraph:
One concern that businesses which consider a gun-free policy have is that such a policy may be unenforceable because the guns carried by CCW licensees must be concealed. This is a false concern. Companies adopting a gun-free policy need not search customers or employees, or set up metal detectors at company entrances, for the policy to be effective in reducing the risk of gun violence on company property.142 A simple notice that persons carrying concealed weapons must leave their weapons outside will prevent law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms onto business property. Anyone who violates the gun-free policy may risk criminal penalties. In addition, employees who violate a gun-free policy can be disciplined or fired. These are ample enough incentives to ensure widespread compliance with a gun-free policy.

People who might carry guns legally can't be expected to carry them safely, but criminals can be trusted to obey posted signs and employee handbooks.
Never Have I Seen

Such a mish-mash, contradiction of reality based on utterly fantastic Leftist propaganda... Do these people read their own material? :barf:
I wonder if anyone has ever done a study that shows the % of handgun incidents relative to population, broken down by state? It seems to me that a very gun-friendly state would be a lot safer place to live than a lot of other states such as NY, NJ, MA, CA for example, where the stalinists in charge of these would have us all become victims, rather than have us be able to fight back.
You Know

I am sure most of us couldn't wait to pass backround checks, fork over money,fingerprints, wasted gasoline,and ugly passport photos of ourselves so we could legally menace the public, and harm co-workers. This stuff does happen but you really don't need a permit for that; now do you? :eek:
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