Olympic Arms' Whitney Wolverine/New Model: How good is it?

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Jun 15, 2007
Anyone have an experience with the updated version of the Whitney Wolverine that Olympic Arms is currently producing? I just picked up an original, absolutely love the design, but would like to keep it in the safe and shoot a more expendable version.

If you've got one, or if you've fired one, or if you know someone who has: Is it accurate? Reliable? Dependable?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Sketchy at best.
They seem to have quite a number of feeding issues and the magazine appears to be the culprit in most cases.
I haven't heard a whole lot of reports on it, but what little bit I have heard echoes what Onmilo posted. "Sketchy" sums it up.

Could be your typical internet over exaggeration, but usually there is at least a grain of truth to be found. Take it for what it's worth.

I liked the originals but couldn't afford one as a kid. Bought one of the Olympic retro models in 2006. It still has the cool factor but has had feeding issues since day one.That's with with the recommended Stingers and ammo that otherwise works well in my other semiauto .22 pistols. The only response I got from the manufacturer was a big, disinterested yawn.

I still basically like the gun but it's frustrating to shoot; don't remember ever getting through a full magazine without a stoppage. Current status is that of a paperweight and curio. For that an Airsoft would have sufficed.
I once asked the same question in a thread a while back. I think every answer was negative. Personally, I have no experience with the plastic ones, just the originals, but I was surprised at the amount of negative responses.
Thanks, guys, for weighing in.

I've been hearing (and finding) the same information in poking around the various gun boards, which is not encouraging; it's also the reason why I aksed the question here. My hope has been that Olympic Arms has taken some of the early complaints to heart and made some effort to fix the mag and/or feeding problems, but I can't find any evidence to support that wish.

It's too bad because the design of the gun is spiffy; you'd think that it would be a logical range companion ... but only if it works consistently.
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