Once in awhile, something good.

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Dec 26, 2002
Wilderness of West Michigan
In Ada township here in West Michigan, a property owner owns 20 acres. The area was totally rural for many years. Over the years developers bought up land and fairly well to do folks built large houses. The property owner in question has dug himself a private range in the middle of his 20 acres. His berm is 10' high and thick and is mostly below grade to boot. He carefully position the range so that he was firing away from houses. His land is also wooded.

Hysterical neighbors are demanding that the township ban the man from using his range because they don't like the noise and believe they will be injured by the firearms. Once again proving the woeful lack of knowledge out there regarding firearms. The complainants are crying blood in the streets and its for the children. The private range owner has been very patient with his neighbors, but is determined to not let them hold sway. Of course the yuppies never bothered to deal with the property owner first, they called the police and every other authority they could. Makes for good neighbors, no?

Several branches of authorities have inspected his property and the township officials have, after looking at the evidence, refused to create an ordinance outlawing the discharge of fire arms in the township. Good on them.

They have advised the neighbors to learn the facts and to live with the situation as in the view of the township, nothing improper is going on.
I have never been so pleasantly surprised to see government fail to buckle under to non factual hysteria and the demands of city folks who move to the country and then try and change things.
My range

I have a neighbor who says she hates my hunting. When I moved into my forty acre place, she said "....at least that auful hunting club will be gone now that you will be living here full time."

She built a house knowing it was the only house in 2000 acres of leased hunting land.
Ken - completely off topic but I see you are from AL. Did you see that a black bear was killed by a vehicle on I-65 just around Evergreen 2 days ago? I think they are getting more mobile in search of water. Be careful out in those woods this summer.
I was

just telling my co-workers today about the gunfire I hear all the time where I live... Day, night, all the time... I look around for it and suddenly I realize,, I am holding a pistol in my hand, and smoke is billowing out of the barrel. :evil: Actually besides myself the is a lot of shooting going on really close by . It really warms my heart.
Just bought 20 acres

late last year so we were shooting there about a month ago. .416 rem. mag, M91, HK, this is a great place to shoot; you are on a rise shooting at a berm that is down in the low land, backed by 4-5 acres of (my) woods.
We go out back to mow a feed plot at the edge of the woods and see the county sheriff drive by slowly as we are driving up from the back field. I have the HK USP on my side open carry as we exit by the barn and unload the tiller he drives by again.
I smile real big and say "howdy how ya doing today" and he stops, so I wander over (dirt road) and place both my hands N arms on his open window and squat down to be eye level with him, and ask what up?
He relates how someone had called in a shots fired complaint, now we are out in the boonies, (it's 20 minutes @ 60 to the burbs) but there are a number of small lots in the area where there are crappy double wide mobile home's city people who want to live in the country.
I reply that would have likely been us, and motion over to my son, and comment that was quite a while ago, over an hour. He replies that he had been busy, and I reply that I understand how hectic things can be. He said he had kind of thought so noting my HK. I smiled and said yep we were done for now and how we have a great place to shoot out here, and told him of the details of how it was set up safety wise and all. Further that when we start we will often shoot trap, the riffles, and the pistols; I motioned over to the trailer trash homes and said they can either join us or tell them to get use to it. He just kind of stared for a few seconds and said he would go have a talk with them, he then took my name as owner of the land, and I bid him have a safe day.
My sibling and I own about 1,000 acres in AR in a rural area. I was having a grown-up birthday party at my cabin. We started off shooting skeet. About 1 hour into it TWO POLICE cars dive up.. ( I have never seen two police cars in any rural area). I walk out after having a few beers(no I have quit shooting) and saw this. I thought CRAP what is going on. My brother was out talking to the police who amost 70% of the people there knew. Apparently some nutty lady had seen the sign on the highway with a arrow on it and thought there must be a yard sale down that dirt road. We had played a joke and the next sign said Valet Parking 20.00. She called the police and said there were a bunch of shooting goin on and they are even charging for valet parking???????????? The police were laughing when they saw what was going on. Never did find out who the nutty lady was.
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