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One for the good guys!

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Dec 3, 2004
The former Liberal Government up here was about to amend the Explosives Act with a host of restrictions on reloading activities, including where you could reload, how much powder/primers you could have in your possession etc. Well it isn't going to happen. This is a major shift up here thanks to our new Conservative Government. Sanity prevails!

Interesting how beaurcracies can state how much need there is to control an activity then with one election go 180 degrees and state how safe an activity is and the absence of need to control. Maybe there is hope for us gun owners up here yet.


Take Care

The former Liberal Government up here was about to amend the Explosives Act with a host of restrictions on reloading activities, including where you could reload, how much powder/primers you could have in your possession etc.
Were people stocking up ahead of time?
No changes like that up here take time. Most of the stupid "proposed" rule changes would have been virtually unenforceable. I believe the limit on gun powder was to be 10 lbs., you could not reload within 5 meteresof another dwelling - apartment dwellers would not be able to reload. NOne of it made much sense. What is interesting is the "proposed" changes were supposed to be in response to the publics concern over handloading and the potential disasters that could incur. It was a crock from start to finish. I find it interesting the same department now says that reloading is a safe endeavor requiring no further rugulation. Helps to have a new Conservative Government in power.

Take Care
I'll wager that 90% of the American public isn't even aware that individuals can "make bullets" all by themselves, and I imagine the percentage in Canada would be similar. So how can a populace be so concerned about something they don't even know about that it requires regulation?

I wonder how many non-shooters ARE aware that it's possible to "roll your own."
I'll wager that 90% of the American public isn't even aware that individuals can "make bullets" all by themselves, and I imagine the percentage in Canada would be similar. So how can a populace be so concerned about something they don't even know about that it requires regulation?

I wonder how many non-shooters ARE aware that it's possible to "roll your own."
This is how stupid laws come to pass. It takes one loud mouth liberal group to scream "It's for the children!" and everyone in the big cities vote on emotion instead of logic.
The voters decided not to let people hunt cougars with dogs in Oregon. Guess what, the population of cougars exploded and now they have to hire people to take them out. Makes me wish you had to take a short quiz on items before you can vote on them to see if you actually know what you are voting on :banghead:
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