One heck of a slamfire...

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I hope he was wearing a flak vest or something to help with the contact from the breach hitting him. It looked just like movies where some guy gets hit with a .44 and goes flying back 30 feet. I bet the poor guy flew back at least 30 feet!!
Reminds me of a story about the Union"s "Mortar Flotilla" where they lashed one of those chowder pot mortars to the foc'sle of a schooner and the recommended place to stand when firing was behind the gun. The first time it was to be fired the sailors would have none of it and hid elswhere. The gun then ripped from it's lashing and would have killed anyone standing behind it! :eek:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - basic physics !
That was mildly entertaining... Love how the other guys just kinda stand there... like nothing happened...
After watching this video a couple times, I'm not sure how the guy could have survived if he didn't have any chest protection. His chest cavity has to be mush. His ribs must surely all be shattered.

A possible candidate for the Darwin awards.

And the rest of the dufuses, just stand there and look at the poor guy, then saunter over like nothings happened. Morons.

Yes. It looks like he could easily have been killed. Not funny at all, IMHO.

At the very least he suffered broken ribs and probably punctured lungs.
Watch closely as the guy flies back. You can see him dissapear from the left temporarily but catch a glimse of his foot again afterwards for a second when he likely landed and bounced back from whatever object he flew back against. When the cameraman pans over you can see a large post with (barbed?) wire strug on it running left to what I assume is another post.

It looks like he flew back and something stopped him. I would add major back injuries to the running list.
May be a dupe thread...

But even in the original thread, nobody answers what happened with the cannon, and with the recipient of the cannon's recoil. Ouch!
What else I noticed was the other guy just sort of sauntering over, not terribly interested in checking on him.
Hey, I don't think that fellow was "sauntering." I think he was saying "Ohmigawd! What do I do now?" Shock does that to a lot of folks - All in all, I think that actually moved pretty fast, considering that the unexpected had just happened to 'em.
How would such a thing happen?

I understand the stupid part about standing behind a piece of artillery, but was the round defective or is there something mechanical in the weapon that failed.

Actually guys, your chest cavity can compress quite a bit without doing serious damage. I'd guess a few broken ribs and a sore back.
Punctured lungs...probably not.
He may be peeing blood for a while though.
I wonder if this could have been some sort of cookoff. No telling if they had been doing sustained fire and for how long. Either that or the shell was defective.
It's kind of hard to tell, but those might be South Korean or Taiwan personnel.
They look like Korean (ROK) army to me.
I had a breech open and roll my fingers in the lock, broke my index finger. :fire:
the cannon has a lever on the side to raise the breechblock into position. You are supposed to be standing next to the breech when you close it. But I've seen the ROK army do some wild things like;
swab the bore with diesel (makes one heck of a fireball)
put up camo nets with branches and sticks
use real CS when they train
beat the daylights out of someone that screws up
You are supposed to be standing next to the breech when you close it.

Probably why these things are typically fired by 3 or 4 man teams. One guy handles ammo and nothing else, one (off to the side) handles the breech, I have no idea what the others do, but the seems to me the loader should never be the one closing the breech let alone firing the artillery piece. That's why this guy got hit, malfunction or not. I don't think he's even supposed to be the one closing the breech. Any artillery experts here that could shed some light on this? There was a history channel piece a while back (Wild West Tech, I believe) where a guy was demonstrating a small cannon and used a 3 man team. I think this was a civil war/old West era Hotchkiss cannon. Said it would normally have a 4 man team. Loader does nothing but stick the shell in the chamber. So this apparently has been the practice for at least a century
"After watching this video a couple times, I'm not sure how the guy could have survived if he didn't have any chest protection. His chest cavity has to be mush. His ribs must surely all be shattered. "

Not always. Stranger things have happened. This happened to me five years ago. Humvee, training exercise, night. I went home after 48 hours in ICU. Busted ribs, crushed sternum, the air in my lungs was pushed out all over and looked like bubble wrap. Talk about sore.


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