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I would have opened the door for realism - but this is July in AZ. Absolutely I ain't letting the cold air out! :) When "winter" comes back I may try that again...fixing the "oops". :D

Ha! I KNEW it! In your original pic with the fella coming around the corner, I saw how the glasses refraction/reflection of the perp down the hall looked like a somewhat heavy prescription or lineless bifocal. I saw your glasses and surmised that you did the ol' cut and paste!

Nice work but ya got caught! LOL
Ah, yes, that was the "Alfred Hitchcock" look... I don't wear bifocals!

I didn't have a camera for a while, hadda start plain' again!
Fun stuff! Sorry about the bifocal thing, hard for me to tell...maybe I should get my glasses adjusted!

Neat effects though!
Armoredman, have you tried the GIMP for photoshopping needs? It's not the most user friendly, but once you figure it out it's extremely easy to use and incredibly versatile. It would take me maybe 5 minutes to lower your arms so you're aiming right at the red dot.

ETA: went ahead and did it:

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Looks good too. Thanks. :)
Count Glockula, I have never used Photoshop, only the free Microsoft Picture It! Express, from WalMart, (when you process regular filam and ask for it on CD), and Windows Paint. I am really really cheap.... :D
I will definately have to look into the GIMP stuff, too, thanks.
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