Our Civil War??

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Nov 9, 2012
Just finished watching an old Audie Murphy movie. He and his military command had 1873 Trapdoors (as did most Indians). His sidearm was a Colt SAA. Not a bad set up for those times,right? Well...at the end of the movie it was announced that the Civil War had just broken out and the Southern Army was requesting volunteers. If they got any volunteers I would say they also got some awesome firepower for 1863. :banghead::banghead: :uhoh: :eek: :rolleyes: ;)
certaindeaf...I have heard of a gun that you load on Sunday and shoot all week.
At least they were going to fight for the right side. :)

I watched a movie the other night that was based in the 60's. The Coke of the table was Coca-Cola Classic. :)
No doubt there are other fora where people discuss the automobile, telephone, and numerous other technology/timeframe mismatches that occur in movies and TV.

I'd wager that most gun owners. let alone members of the public at large, don't know enough about the history of firearms development to have any idea what's period correct. I'm not sure I would have caught these particular errors. Three years ago I certainly would not have.
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