"Our Second Amendment rights are in grave danger...."

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Jan 10, 2004
"....because some NRA supporters like you have not renewed your memberships."

Yeah, and I'm really likely to now. When did the NRA adopt a policy of this kind?

"Now, without your membership support, gun-ban extremists in Congress and in the Senate are aggressively pushing their anti-gun agenda. And they think they have a huge advantage now that you're no longer an NRA member!"

Uh-huh, that's swell and all, but how much did that $30/year actually help? You'd think it was the end of the world that I didn't renew. :rolleyes:
Help them to continue this style of mailer? No thanks.
Have you ever got any other kind from them? I haven't. It's always doomsday stuff. They never send anything about how they are making progress (maybe because they aren't?). All I ever get is letters about how I need to send more money or else more guns will be banned.
I never really got anything from them, and the all the sudden I'm bombarded with mailers like this.

All this, after I keep asking "so why aren't you doing anything for MA or CA?"
All you have to do is call them up and ask to be put on the limited mailing list. It only takes a couple minutes of your time.

I'm a life member (on the limited mailing list) and the only thing I ever get from them is my monthly American Rifleman magazine.
I always felt that the main reason the NRA is not as powerful as people think it is is because it doesn't play the game right. As much as I hate the industry of lobbying, if you want to play that game, you have to get members from both sides. So long as they give heavily to some politicians and nothing to others, a huge divide will remain. Slowly, but surely they have to win over as many members as possible, while at the same time working to form a smart strategy to appear better in the biased media. Not easy by any means, but this is what they have to do. They could start by not adopting almost all of the extreme right wing agenda as their own. Separate gun issues from others so that there is none of this nonsense of liberal equals anti-self protection (i.e. gun rights). Get rid of this knee-jerk reaction and you have several million less automatic political opponents.
seed - The most frequent complaint seems to be that the NRA isn't right-wing enough. They catch it from both sides and are still the most effective lobby in D.C. And they are the most effective according to every survey I've seen..

I don't know what to say about MA and CA, or any state for that matter...the NRA can't adopt a state and force them to do anything. State organizations can be highly effective because they can stay on top of local issues.

Member www.vcdl.org
NRA Endowment Member
seed - The most frequent complaint seems to be that the NRA isn't right-wing enough. They catch it from both sides and are still the most effective lobby in D.C. And they are the most effective according to every survey I've seen..

I have to respectfully disagree. When it comes to pure effectiveness, the NRA is not even in my top 5 list. Some lobbying groups are so effective that you almost have to admire them, if not marvel at their potency. The huge difference between them and the NRA is that they heavily lobby, pressure and out-right bully all elected officials to the point that politicians would commit political suicide if they go against them. And before someone says that this is true of the NRA, look to the untouchable opponents who heavily oppose them and realize that these same politicians would cease to have a career if they go against some of these other groups.

Again, I hate the process, but if the NRA is going to play the game and in the process protect existing rights and win more, they could stand to learn a thing or two from these other lobby groups.
I thought I was going to hate this thread. I'm glad I actually agree with the sentiments. I gave up on the NRA in 1996. I finallly figured out that the only thing the NRA is protecting is the NRA. I'll continue to support the Second Amendment through the GOA and by keeping my favorite manufacturers and dealers in business. Thank you very much..........

All this, after I keep asking "so why aren't you doing anything for MA or CA?"

Because the Majority of voters in Ma. & Ca. support gun control and vote for anti-gun candidate's.

The people have exactly the government they voted for, the NRA doesn't have the ability to overthrow any State Government. ;)
Our Second Amendment rights are in grave danger...."
"....because some NRA supporters like you have not renewed your memberships."

Nope, my money goes to the GOA. The NRA lost me years ago with it's "pro-hunter, ignore everyone else, support the AWB as a reasonable compromise" type of program.

No more compromise, not ever. We have to fight tooth and nail for every success...just to have the NRA give up ground for political expediency. They are a political organization, not a gun rights organization. Everything that has been gained in the past few years was done at the grass roots level...with the NRA following along behind taking the credit.

No thanx. I sent them money for 50 years...and when the chips were down they always folded.
The NRA has a measly 4 million members.

Just think if every gun owner joined the NRA.

THEN it would be a force.

Basically guns would have been banned in this country if not for the NRA.

That is a fact.
The NRA is only as good as you - it's members - make it. If you think that LaPierre and company are capable of reading your minds about what you want - you're wrong. You have to get involved at the local level and drive change from there. It isn't going to change by you coming to this forum and typing in a few hundred characters - it's going to take commitment over time.
Nice. A month after all the confiscation crap in New Orleans and people are bitching about the NRA again.

pro-hunter, ignore everyone else
Yeah, lots of hunters in New Orelans. Worthless NRA didn't fight any there at all did they. Get a clue.

You people make me sick, High Road or not.

Join them all, don't gamble your rights on which group will fight hardest.

Join and participate or shut up.

You are part of the problem or part of the solution, there is no sideline on this one.
Join and participate or shut up. You are part of the problem or part of the solution, there is no sideline on this one.

Well thats a lovely sentiment. Do you seriously think that LaPierre is working for us? The NRA is to me like labor unions, the little man pays his dues; the bosses play games with the management and nothing ever changes for the better. 30 dollars a year sent to the NRA is 30 less dollars for ammunition. Ammunition that I, quite frankly, use to create more gun owners. To date I have helped 8 people buy a rifle. Thats 8 more votes against the creeping liberal tide, and in the worst case scenario thats 8 new Riflemen on our side.

Dont piss and moan about how we should join this group or that group (NRA, GOA,JPFO, BVD, etc.) If you value your guns, if you value your freedoms, for gods sake dont be stingy about ammo with your shipmates, take them shooting, get them hooked, get them armed. For every shooter you make today, thats one more person who aint voting for the "Demon"crat, and for every Rifleman you make now, thats one more fella who will be in ranks with you if our nation takes a turn for the worse.

Just remember, in 1941 when asked if an invasion of the USA was possible, Adm. Yamamoto replied in the negative "There would be a rifle barrel behind every blade of grass"
LOL! You'd better give money to your church and lead a righteous life (of giving again) lest you go to the place of fire and brimstone.

Nevermind the NRA or GOA organizations in America. Neither could ever stop the US/UN's full scale breach of the Second Amendment, and a try at it is coming. I pray for each and every one of the 80 or so million current gun owners that they do the right thing. The right thing here can never be reached amongst a bunch of groveling fat old gray haired "empty suits" in the congress or the USSC (4th def.), living for free at taxpayer expense. And since the Second Amendment is still several months or years behind "Rebuilding New Orleans", "The Right to Abortion", "Gay Marriage", "National Legalization of Marijuana", "Baseball and Steroids use" ..... don't expect much positive movement on this one.

When the US Constitution is finally rewritten, we will still have our guns for awhile longer, and with these weapons, we will have to make moral, life and death decisions (based upon former laws) nobody ever wants to make. Such a day will mark the 2nd civil war.
As you bash the NRA, please consider the following:

Bill Clinton said the NRA was responsible for the Democratic defeat in the 1994 mid term elections.

Al Gore said the NRA was responsible for his defeat in 2000.

Howard Dean said the NRA was responsible for Kerry's defeat in 2004.

Dianne Feinstein said the NRA was responsible for the sunset of the Assault Weapons Ban.

A majority of states now have "shall issue" CCW laws, thanks to NRA lobbying at the state level.

The NRA obtained a court order to stop illegal gun confiscation in New Orleans following Katrina.

I don't think the NRA is perfect, but we would be a lot worse off without it.
Now, now, no fair using facts. ;)

Re: "Do you seriously think that LaPierre is working for us?"
Yes, as are quite a few other people both within the NRA and with other groups.

Member www.vcdl.org
NRA Endowment Member
So you stop supporting a powerful and effective pro-gun lobby because you don't like their rhetoric and don't agree with every tactic and position they take. Shrewd! The anti-gun crowd would love to see us all drop the NRA and support little splinter groups that can't even get a return phone call from a congressman or the media to show up for a press release!
I have a theory that most people who say the NRA does nothing are simply trying to rationalize the fact that they never donate money or time to the cause of defending the 2nd Amendment.

Its much easier to feel good about doing nothing if you can convince your self that the NRA does nothing.

Ask Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Feinstein, and Schumer if they think the NRA does nothing.
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