Out of sight but always in reach... Hidden guns

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Jan 25, 2012
Central Indiana
Lets see some creative, easy to access, firearm hiding places.

Here's mine; The dining room / computer table. (No kids)


Davis DM-22


Harddrive read arm magnets
Very Al Swearingen vibe there. I bet you know how to clean a blood stain ;)

I like to wear mine though.
Mine stay on my hip at my house. With others around that aren't comfortable in the operation of a gun, and people going in and out with the house on the market, I just can't leave guns around
Lance Thomas made hidden guns work for him. I forget whether he ever carried one during a self-defense scenario but I do think it can make sense if your primary concern is someone holding you up in a store if you're the clerk, or similar. If for some reason they get the drop on you, grabbing a hidden gun is probably less expected than reaching IWB for one.

Of course just having the store set up right, and looking for cues from "customers," could buy you even more time than a gun being 6 inches from your hand while you work.
KW 84 - "This is the reason for the hidden gun...

Bad guys got the drop on homeowner as he was entering his home..."

I do not think that little Deringer would be worth much when you had two evil dudes holding pistols to your head. I think that in that case, some "furtive" grab you made for it would end up with you shot full of holes.

If I had a hidden pistol someplace, I'd want at least something that held more than two rounds. That's just me, of course.

That picture begs the question, could having your gun magnetized effect it in some negative way? I have seen other contraptions involving magnets for keeping guns in place, and I have always wondered if they would have some negative repercussions.

I can see a magnetized steel slide and barrel holding onto metallic dust, accelerating wear?
i keep a fubus holster zip tied to a slat under the bottom mattress fondation ,(have to cut the cloth on bottom, just a few slits) positioned so i can just roll over and reach it without even getting ouy from under the covers, (no kids), other than while sleeping i always just carry something.
Nobody gets near my house without some advance notice so I never thought I needed to cache guns about. I keep a 12g nearby and ready and a bedside hi cap handgun and whatever I usually carry outside the house. Living out in the sticks has its advantages.
Thanks for mentioning that you don't have kids around you house. This is a major factor to consider when it comes to a stash gun.
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