Out of the mouths of babes...

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Nov 19, 2003
proud to be in AZ
My son was having two of his little buddies over for a playtime, and I told him I needed to grab my vest before they came in, so they wouldn't freak out over my open carried CZ P-01 - I don't know the parents that well yet.
He looked at me with open puzzlement on his face, "Why? You just carry a gun to protect us, right? What's wrong with that?"
Bless that boy, but I explained why to him anyway, and he just thought I was goofy.
That's the innocence of youth. They have to be taught that guns are bad. You'll probably get a different reaction from a child raised in an anti's house.
A child has to learn a lot of things while growing up. One of them is there is a time and a place to discuss most anything, and a time and place not to. Given the society that we live in today it pays to teach a child the difference.
Everything which is hidden is not wrong.
One from my oldest. I told her not to let any of her friends touch her guns/ bow when they came over or I would lock them up. At the time she hadn't "earned" the right to keep ammo in her room (I kept it locked up), but it still not a good idea to have uneducated kids thinking of guns as toys.

" Daddy, none of their dads trust them with guns. Why would I? Besides, I don't want them broke!"

About 6 months later she got to start keeping the ammo in her room and a month after that a key to it (it was still locked up).

Her sig on an archery forum-
"If you can't pull my bow, don't bother asking me out.
If you can't out shoot me, stop wasting my time.
If you can out shoot me, RUN! My dad's already aiming!"

Love your daughter's sig line. Sounds like something my daughter would say about her .22 target pistol. She has her own key to the gun safe too; she is more responsible and level-headed than many of the kids her age (and probably more than most adults my age).
She got the idea from my wife. I once made the statement that I would marry the first willing girl who could out shoot me. I figured the two would never come together in one person. So my wife asked to shoot with me and spent an entire day behind the scope of my Howa spanking me down as I tried to keep up with my AR. Well, I am true to my word, and had already been wrapped around the fingers of my daughters (not biologically mine, but in every other way they are) so I put a ring on her finger the next day. My oldest remembers that.

Ok enough memory lane

To me kids taught right are better than adults taught wrong. My oldest just got a new .223 ordered for her and I trust her with it completely. My younger daughter still gets her ammo locked up- not until a certain age, but until I think she is ready to handle the responsibility. My son (youngest) will get his first BB gun this spring and it will be treated just like a firearm. In my family weapons are not big scary things. They are tools, just like a chainsaw or a car. You treat them right or you get stuck dragging brush and walking!

Funny how my girls talk though.
Younger one (MacKenzie)
"Dad, can I get a round off you?"
"That groundhog is digging under the shed again."
"Oh, ok take two."
"Why would I need two? I'm not you."

Oldest (MaKala)

"Dad, can I go with you and Ronnie today?"
"Sure, but we're going to go cut down a tree not hunting."
"But I know there'll be a squirrel in it when it comes down."
"It's in town. No guns."
"I already have my bow in the truck."

School call about Kenzie-
"Your daughter was talking today, and said you had gotten her a gun for her birthday. I explained it must have been a toy, and she told me only idiots consider a gun a toy. You should really explain things to her." (I replied that my daughter was 100% right and it WAS infact a .223 for her to hunt with)

Another one my oldest to her teacher while in the principal's office with me on the phone after she was talking about hunting-
"I love to shoot the way you love to teach. So I will talk about it just you talk about teaching when you aren't even here. Why is that a problem?"

I love my kids and can't wait to see them again.
Last year during crop planting season my oldest boy (aged 6) and I were returning home after dark and a deer ran across the road in front of us. Teasing him I said "Boy you are the tailgunner you aint supposed to let that happen." Flash forward to Deer season I take one day off huning to take my kids to see their pawpaw. He fed them deer jerky my uncle had made and they loved it. I told my middle son when I get a deer this year we will take some meat to Uncle Tom and have him make us some jerky. The oldest pipes in "And if your tailgunner,Me, gets a deer we will take all the meat to him and have him make It into jerky"
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