Outlaw Fighting Systems

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Feb 19, 2003
At home, posting on THR instead of working.
Dear All,

Due to the difficulty in locating a decent self defence instructor in my locality, I have toyed with the idea of obtaining a training video so that I might learn/pick-up some of the more rudimentary techniques. There seems to be a great many "combat gurus" out there who claim to be able to impart street effective training. Their backgrounds range from military spec ops to LEOs to nightclub bouncers. One such instructor caught my eye - Dan Webre of www.OutlawFighting.com. His claim to authenticity lies in the basis that his style of combat was forged in prison defending himself from fellow inmates. The concept of learning to fight like a thug as a means to protect oneself against thugs seemed appealing and hence I am currently considering whether to not to buy his video "Filthy Jailhouse Fighting Secrets".

Has anyone ever heard of Dan Webre? Does anyone here have any opinions on the "jailyard" style of barehanded fighting? Would I be better served spending my $$ on some other training video or programme?

I'm gonna have to call boolsheet based on the initial assessment.

"Learn the exact angle and direction to take out any attacker - armed or not, where you decide if he ever gets up again.

How to really fight multiple attackers and win.

How to instantly and easily kill, or put unconscious, any punk who tries some fancy wrestling takedown. (Sorry Gracie fans! But this move is easy to learn and unstoppable!)

Learn how to turn anyone into a creampuff even if they're armed. (And you don't even have to take their weapon away)."

---from their 'About' link.

This kinda stuff is a dead giveaway that it's mostly marketing hype. Anyone who tells you that you'll be able to KILL ANYONE with your barehands using their UNSTOPPABLE techniques regardless of whether or not they're armed needs an extra sprinkle of salt.


The attitude the guy describes is ok. In a fight you need to be super aggressive and stomp all over your assailant, but this idea is certainly not exclusive to his 'system'.

Keep shopping.

There is a good series of Krav Maga tapes. You can probably find them for cheap on the internet, maybe even used. I bought them to suppliment my in-school training. I think I spent $70 for the 5 tape set.

You'll need a partner to really get much out of any such tape, but that shouldn't be hard to find on a destroyer. Mail order a set of focus-mitts, watch the tapes, then go up on the flight deck and practice.
One such instructor caught my eye - Dan Webre of www.OutlawFighting.com. His claim to authenticity lies in the basis that his style of combat was forged in prison defending himself from fellow inmates.

I happen to hang out on www.selfdefenseforums.com every now and then. It's a good board with lots of knowledgeable guys around (though certain kinds of people tend to get banned REALLY quick over there :)

IIRC, Dan Webre showed up there a couple months ago. He behaved like a complete idiot and got himself banned within a few hours.

Here's the thread, judge for yourself...

IMO he is a dumb***s according to his behaviour. He is just trying to make money from his stint in jail. The things he claims to teach are neither new nor particularly innovative. I'd rather choose a teacher who has a reputation of producing able students.


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I hope The Preacherman will chime in sooner or later about real prison fights.

Seems to me that most violent prison encounters are from ambush where one guy walks up to and stabs another as many times as possible from behind, not much finesse to it. Unless you plan on being an executioner for a prison gang (and serving a life term), I don't know if much prison knife skills are useful in the streets.

Oh yeah, I also think that this idea was stolen from a guy named Marc "Animal" MacYoung. He has several books out on survival brawling, one of which was called "prison's bloody steel" -or something like that.
I wouldn't put too much stock into any of the training videos. No video can replace actual hand on training from a live instructor.

I've seen more people get pummeled because they thought the moves on a book and something they emulated out of a video were supposed to be the "unstoppable" defense technique.

I'd say that the only real use for those kinds of videos would be if you are trying to decide what kind of style you want to start out in, you can use those videos to give you an idea of what type of focus they have.
CWL, your prayer has been heard and answered... :D

IMNSHO, most "prison fighting techniques" aren't worth the (used) TP they're written on. This guy's Web site reeks of BS. I've worked for years among maximum-security prison inmates, including some of the very worst of the prison gangs (Aryan Brotherhood, Mexicanemi, Black Gangster Disciples [BGD], and so on). None of them, as a group, can fight worth a damn. They tend to launch into madly swinging, unscientific punch-and-kick attacks, relying on numbers and brute force rather than technique. There may be individuals who've learned some skills, but they're few and far between.

As an illustration, my current chapel clerk (a nice guy, for a hardcore con) is a 5th Dan in Okinawan karate (learned before he came to prison). He's had three encounters with hardcore gangs, one in each of the prisons he's been in. I saw the tape of his encounter in my prison, shortly after he arrived. A BGD decided he wanted some of his possessions, and threatened him in an attempt to make him hand them over. Didn't work, so the BGD went to gather some of his friends, and five of them jumped him outside his cell. It took him approximately 30 seconds to lay out all five on the floor, clutching themselves in various portions of anatomy and screaming loudly. They tried to allege that he had attacked them, but unfortunately for their story, all of our housing units are covered by CCTV 24 hours a day, and the tape told the true story. My guy was held in Special Housing Unit for only 24 hours (during which, allegedly, most of the guards there plied him with sodas and candy as a "thank-you" for sorting out some of our less pleasant guests), and was then released back to compound. His attackers spent two months on lockdown in SHU, and were in considerable pain for at least part of that time...

Also, I've been part of a response team when a body alarm has been sounded by a staff member, and have seen what works. None of the inmates have had any technique to match a full-speed body-slam into the wall or the floor. That sort of start to a fight tends to end it quickly...

(Of course, being a clergyman, I'm horrified by senseless violence, and would NEVER stoop to such things myself... :neener: )
I think the only way it will actually benefit you if you use a video or book is if you practice it on a partner.
From the Self Defense Forums thread :

TRS website, describing Dale Comstock: "And in a battle in Central America, his Black Hawk helicopter went down in the jungle. Lost an engine during the action, dropped from 200 feet up down into the ????. . . . Dale tossed his gear (including his weapons) and hung from the ceiling of the chopper as it fell 200 feet straight down. That quick thinking saved his life, and prevented broken bones."

This guy fell in a "chopper" from 200 feet, had time to get rid of all his gear, and hang from the ceiling of the "chopper".
I'll go against the tide here. The guys website comes off like his video promotions from TRS. I mean I get serious Deja Moo reading the site. (Deja Moo, the feeling that you've heard this bullsh*t before).
But, there a forum called The Battlefield Forums, and Dan posts there - and, while I almost hate to say this, I find myself liking and agreeing with a lot of what he has to say.
And I consider myself a dedicated disciple of reality, none of the TRS type crapola.

I'd give his tapes a chance, although I think that for a first timer, there is a better choice.
Carl Cestari - www.allinfighting.com - has some excellent tapes out.

I know there are excellent kwoons in your area. The problem will be in locating them and then getting accepted as a student.

I would recommend two avenues of attack. Contact kwoons in the US, Canada, and Hong Kong with your requests. And provide recommendations from local folks who are respected.
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