Pancho Villa

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Oct 6, 2010
I am always interested in history and have read several recent works on Pancho Villa. I am curious what modern thinkers feel about him... what are your thoughts?
Murderous land pirate, thug and criminal who should have died from a long drop at the end of a short rope.

Remember Columbus!

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He was just a product of the times during that very unstable time in Mexican history. Just a blood thirsty cut throat trying to get his when he could.
It is impossible to render judgement now of things which happened more than 50 years ago due to a lack of context and the culture of the time. My understanding is that he was a ruthless baron trying to protect his tribe. I am also a student of history as a hobby and find it very interesting how the Spanish are given a pass for their part in the pillaging of Mexico, Central, and South America and the wholesale slaughter of the indigenous peoples therein. Mexico was not inhabited by Mexicans but mostly Inca's and Aztec's. The Spanish enslaved them to mine the gold and silver deposits and then killed them when they were no longer of value.
It is impossible to render judgement now of things which happened more than 50 years ago due to a lack of context and the culture of the time. My understanding is that he was a ruthless baron trying to protect his tribe. I am also a student of history as a hobby and find it very interesting how the Spanish are given a pass for their part in the pillaging of Mexico, Central, and South America and the wholesale slaughter of the indigenous peoples therein. Mexico was not inhabited by Mexicans but mostly Inca's and Aztec's. The Spanish enslaved them to mine the gold and silver deposits and then killed them when they were no longer of value.

True but you're comparing events that happened the better part of half a millennium ago vs something that's still barely in living memory.

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Come down here to New Mexico and go down near the border and ask that same question. You'll get a far different answer. He's still considered a hero down there. Heck, he isn't too terribly disliked up here in Albuquerque by many people of a "certain" heritage.
What are my thoughts? I don't think about him.

I know he was a Mexican "bad guy", and the US government was out to get him (no idea why), and that's about all I could tell you without consulting a search engine.

For better or worse, he wasn't a terribly significant figure in my public education.
What does Panco Villa have to do with 'general gun discussions'? If this thread isn't about guns that say Pancho Villa used then why did you (the OP) start this pointless thread?
Warlord and excellent troll who managed to escape the mechanized U.S. army. Also went on to inspire cutthroats in such charming places as Zaire, Afghanistan, and Mexico.
To keep it somewhat on topic...

Pancho Villa's raid suffered in part due to armed resistance from civilians. If I remember correctly the first casualties were two Villistas who were shot dead by civilians as they made there way with a hostage to loot a gun store who's owner had ripped Villa off in the past. The shooting alerted the military garrison and squandered the intended surprise attack against them.

A lot is also mentioned about the US Army's effective and deadly deployment of machine guns.
It is impossible to render judgement now of things which happened more than 50 years ago due to a lack of context and the culture of the time.

Closer to 100 years ago, but who's counting? ;)
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