Park Carry in TN 5/14 Update

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Aug 25, 2005
HB0132 passed and is on the calender committee now.
HB2184 is the same story.

Votes were 6-4 as I understand it, but I do not have the breakdown.

We need to keep the good work/pressure up in the house.

Also, in the senate: HB2184(SB2143) needs pushed. We need to call the committee it has been sitting in and have them move it forward.

HB0132 has already passed the Senate.
That's great news SomeKid! Do you know if 2184 passed with the Briley amendment or is it just for state parks?
Do you know if 2184 passed with the Briley amendment or is it just for state parks?

Did the Briley amendment actually exist? There was an article last week stating that Briley never introduced the amendment, he just talked about it.
What about the Nicely amendment? The one that would allow carry in State office buildings? Was that real and did it make it?
For everyone who has questions:

There are no amendments - period - for Nicely's bill HB2184. You can look them up yourself if you do not believe me. It was a ploy by Briley.

Go to legislation and type in HB2184
Speaking as someone who spends a lot of time in state office buildings I was hoping that one was real. *sigh*
Here's my understanding of how this went down. The Briley amendment did exist, it was written and did add public recreation areas and civic centers. It was even referenced word for word in one of TFA's e mails. SomeKid is absolutely right, Briley wrote it without having any intention of attaching it to the bill.

There was some "chatter", if you will, about someone else possibly adding it back in at the very last minute, but obviously that never happened.

One really has to marvel at the lenghts some of these people will go to in order to advance an agenda. I mean here is the chairman of the Judiciary committee introducing an amendment to a bill. He sees that the story makes some of the largest newspapers in the state, tv, radio etc. Presumably he is ok with his voters thinking that he wants the amendment and even talks about taking heat for previous anti gun votes. And all the while the guy has no intention of adding anything because he is against the whole bill to begin with. Downright pathological.
What's Going On???

According to this article in the Knoxville News Sentinal,,1406,KNS_348_5529126,00.html

the Bill was passed with an amendment that required parks to post signs stating that it was OK for firearms to be brought onto state park property. Since it will take taxpayer money to put up the signs, the bill must be reviewed by another committee which will effectively kill it for this session. I looked the bill up on the state website and from what I can tell it passed with NO amendment. What is going on??

Go read post #6 again. News agencies have been mis-reporting this bill for a while.

It is being reviewed by another committee, but this is actually nothing nefarious. After a bill passes committees it has to be scheduled for time on the floor. IF we slack off it could be killed there, but we aren't slacking off, so I do not expect it to die.

There is another thread that has more detail, look for it in Activism.

I called a rep from my area earlier today and he told me the bill had two amendments to it. I can't remember what the first one was but the other he said was the one for posting signs on Park property. He did not sound too favorable on the chances of the bill getting to the floor with the spending on the signs to be resolved. He said there was still a couple of things that could be done to get it through but it would be tough, even with luck. He guessed it had maybe a 40% chance of getting through. Shoot, I told him if putting up signs was a problem because of money, just call all the gun ranges in TN and they could probably get all the signs put up for nothing.

And if anyone doesn't think this was a ploy by the anti crowd, just stop and think what this amendment required: Signs would be posted at all state parks saying it is OK to bring a gun onto park property. Now where in the world do you ever see a sign saying that? Why would it even be needed? Does any store or restaurant or any type of business put up signs that say "Bring your guns in here??"

I don't mean for this to sound like I'm arguing with you. I was just trying to get to the bottom of what happend and was getting different info from different sources. (I don't even know if the rep I talked to had the full story).

Stay in the fight.
The bill's sponsor said that Bailey had a voice vote on the amendment to require signs. Is it possible that the amendment was introduced via a similar voice vote, and has simply not been logged into the system yet? The status of the bill seems to indicate it was passed as amended to the next committee.
Signs would be posted at all state parks saying it is OK to bring a gun onto park property.

If this is true, then someone is indeed being retarded.
Laws require posting signs for "No Guns Allowed", not the other way 'round...

*sigh*.... It'd be a shame for me to have to shave, put on my good suit, and go pay the folks at Capitol Hill a visit, just to see what the heck's going on...

( You folks think e-mails and phone calls get attention? Try showing up in person some time. )

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Regarding amendments. I just called Rep. Bell at home to get the exact story.

HB0132 has no House amendments. The Senate placed restrictions on where one could carry inside a park, but nothing about mandating signs. If the House passes their version w/o amendments the Senate will likely adopt the House version, which is good for us. 0132 does not have the amendment regarding signs.

Nicely's bill, HB2184, did have the amendment you were talking about before. It was placed on the House version, but not the Senates. (It is also worth noting, that Nicely's bill is likely dead. I do not like saying it, but I think it may be true.)

Even less pleasant, is admitting I was in error. When I checked 2184, they had not posted the amendments. Just goes to show, that you should always check what you read on the net, and check often.

We tried resurrecting the dead a session or two past over restaurant carry. That bill had sixty-something co-sponsors, and Naifeh was still able to kill it.

Nicely's bill might survive, I am just not as optimistic about it as I am about Bell's bill.

Either way, we need to call committee members and tell them to support these bills. We might get lucky, and get everything we want.
You could.

Check with others in that area who have the time and live close enough. It might help.

You said,

" Even less pleasant, is admitting I was in error".

Don't feel bad about that. Trying to keep track of what the "dark side"' in Nashville is doing behind the scenes is a job even Jack Bauer would have difficulty getting accomplished. You getting this thread started inspired me to make a lot of calls today that wouldn't have been made without your urging. Keep plugging away. One day we will win.
The Memphis paper had a less-than-supportive article today, complete with "the idiots will be shooting anything that moves" type quotes.
Check with others in that area who have the time and live close enough. It might help.

Well then, anybody who's close enough, and has both the time and the interest in paying our representatives a personal visit... speak up here, or PM me, and we'll see what we can arrange.

I don't know when the best time would be, but if we can get enough people to agree to one particular time, then we'll make it do the job.

I'm assuming that we'll need to get going pretty quick, however.

( Hey, if a bunch of horn-honkers can get an income tax defeated, surely a good-sized group of us can improve TN's carry laws. )

Just spoke to Nicely. He said that Najfeh would likely get the bill killed, but that 5-10 thousand phone or fax contacts would force him to reconsider.

Jimmy Najfeh's phone is 615-741-3774. Do you think we can organize a massive call-in thisweek?
I called Najfeh's office. They did not seem to supportive of me calling. I was not put through to him. A secretary named Rita? answered my call and said he did not support HB2184.

I stated that I was a Tennessee voter and I DID support passage of the bill and had hoped he would look at this bill again and support it.

I seriously doubt if they will even give him my message.

Now how many of you have called? It will take more than me and Oleg.

Also if you are like me and did not know how to pronounce his name it is spoken like Nafee. With a long A sound.
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