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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
I've previously read some of Grisham's books, seen a film or two made therefrom. Haven't seen this film though, nor have I read the book. The following seems strange, though not impossible, respecting what happens in Hollywood. Look at the plot changes made in the film version of a Tom Clancy novel, Middle Eastern types morphing into Neo Nazis.

BOYCOTT "Runaway Jury" - they turn an anti-smoking book into an anti-gun movie!!
Any of you guys read the Grisham book "Runaway Jury"?

In a nutshell, it involves tobacco lawsuits that are being won by the tobacco industry using every dirty trick in the book. A juror on what promises to be the tobacco industry's biggest win yet gets in touch with the defense and convinces them that he can manipulate the jury in exchange for lots of money. He double crosses them and uses that money to make millions by shorting tobacco stocks right before the verdict comes out.

Now you don't need to read the book.

Here is why you don't need to see the movie: In the movie instead of a wicked greedy evil tobacco company, the defendant is a firearms manufacturer. The manufacturer sells its guns to a gun store that they know isn't following the law in their sales, and the spouse of someone who is killed with one of those guns sues them. Obviously if they go back to following the book after changing the whole damned story the gun maker will lose and lose big.

It's outrageous.

It's an unacceptable change.

I will not see this movie myself.

I will not see another Grisham movie nor buy another one of his books unless he comes out against this twist.

Here is your task: A lot of you are active members on other boards that I do not post on. I want every shooter and freedom lover in the country to know to stay the hell away from this movie. TELL THEM. TELL THEM ALL. We can make this movie flop faster than Gigli did if we put forth a concerted effort.

Can you please do me a favor and get the word out? Let's make it fail so badly that it doesn't even bother going straight to video!
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