PDRK Nukes are the GOP's fault!

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Dec 28, 2002
Opelika, AL
I'd'a never thunk it up myself, but I just found out that the reason the NK's cheated on the '94 agreement Carter managed to foist on WJC was because of the Republican takeover of the House! I kid you not. That was just on the Discovery Times channel. Times... hmmmm.... seems like I've heard of them before. Maladroit foreign policy, fiasco ensues... I'm surprised Reagan didn't get more of the blame. Just FYI.
Just like the Times...the Kims have been paranoid megalomaniacs since the 1950s, so of course, anything they do is caused by Republicans.
I just saw a show on DiscTimes called "The Hunt for Bin Laden" which tried very very hard to make the US Military out to be a bunch of bumbling fools bombing as many civilians as they could without a care and the War on Terror an abject failure.

It was leaning so far left I thought my TV was going to fall over.

- Gabe
The tension between the PRDK and the US certainly went up during this GOP administration, but that's because unlike a certain administration, we didn't wet our man-panties and hand over dollars, fuel oil, and nuclear technology every time Captain Chia-Head said "boo!"

As a rule, if Jimmy "Killer Rabbit" Carter is your chief negotiator, the pooch is gonna get screwed.
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