Peak Antifreeze Supports Anti-Hunters

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The American Humane Association is not an organization that shelters lost Pets.

They are an animal rights group that has adopted a name that gives them the appearance of being the Animal Shelter people.

also watch out for:
The Humane Society of the United States

and the ASPCA:

together with the Fund for Animals

They are out to stop hunting
Actually, I think they're out to stop eating.

There are (mostly) two kinds of critters on this planet; animals and vegetables. Vegetables live on minerals and sunlight. Animals live by eating vegetables and other animals. We are animals. We must eat things which were formerly alive, or die. We animals with brains enough to know what we're doing are often squeamish about killing. Maybe that's why we say Grace before meals: Asking forgiveness for the death of our food, as William Burroughs had it in the title of his book...."Naked Lunch"

So. Would you rather kill from necessity, to stay alive , or would you rather be

a vegetable.
Good lord, are there any animal groups that help find homes for puppies and kittens but don't want to ban hunting?

My dog and I went to a pet walk-a-thon for the Baltimore County Humane Society last weekend and had a good time. Now I think I may have given money to a anti-hunting group. Yikes.

Is the HSUS the "mainstream" Humane Societys nationwide or some splinter group trying to sound similar?
Maybe that's why we say Grace before meals: Asking forgiveness for the death of our food, as William Burroughs had it in the title of his book...."Naked Lunch"
Nope. We give thanks to the Lord for making the critter served before us wander into our gunsight. :D
Credit goes to where credit due.
Credit goes to you members, not I. I just posted the story, I made my inquiries, sent the info, remained civil to the company...but you folks ran with it.
Not as seasoned as most of you with the internet as a tool, not as learned on many many matters, but I have a great bunch to teach and lead me. The thanks and credit belongs to you folks-not me.
I've always believed in and stood up for 2A, just learning another tool in the toolbox, and improving my old methods.

edited: publik skooling showing...spelled my own name wrong...told you I needed teaching :p
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From Sierra:
“Unknown to us, the AHA has apparently taken some active stances against certain rights of hunters. Upon hearing this, we have made a decision to sever our sponsorship with the AHA.â€
So they're saying they terminated their relationship with the AHA just last week as a result of learning AHA's position on hunting and as a result of our threatened boycott.

But is this true? What if the AHA severed ties with Sierra many months ago, and Sierra is using this as an opportunity to win over new customers?

The reason I’m mentioning this is because I emailed the AHA late last week about this issue. They sent me a very interesting reply today:

Dear Molon Labe,
Thank you for your email! We have received a number of phone calls and emails from avid hunters lately regarding our position on hunting, and our relationship with SIERRA / Peak Antifreeze.

I should clarify a point in our hunting policy. It does not oppose hunting for food. Our policy states that we are opposed to hunting for the purposes of fun, sport, or trophy. There are many families that rely on hunted food for their families.

I believe you will find that we are among the most moderate of animal welfare organizations when it comes to this issue. However, it is important to remember that we ARE an animal welfare organization. We respect that not everyone will share our views. We remain committed to our mission to prevent cruelty, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of both children and animals.

SIERRA Antifreeze, a product of the Peak Company, is a former sponsor of American Humane's "Be Kind to Animals Week" program. We terminated our relationship with SIERRA in November of 2002. The American Humane logo and all mentions of American Humane were to be completely removed from SIERRA packaging by March 2, 2003. We are currently gathering information to see if this has in fact occurred. The "boycott" was unnecessary, as the relationship was terminated nearly a year ago.

American Humane is grateful for SIERRA's past sponsorship, and as a result of their generous contributions, American Humane was able to provide several scholarships to kids ages 6-13. The rebate that was offered by SIERRA gave the consumer a voluntary choice of making a contribution to American Humane as another way to support the work we do for our "Be Kind to Animals Week" program.

If you have any further questions regarding our hunting policy, or our former relationship with SIERRA, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Sincerely,


Kat Burns
Manager, Donor & Member Services
American Humane
63 Inverness Drive East
Englewood, CO 80112

[email protected]
303-925-9470 direct

Empowering Action Since 1877

Now let’s revisit the quote from Sierra:

“Unknown to us, the AHA has apparently taken some active stances against certain rights of hunters. Upon hearing this, we have made a decision to sever our sponsorship with the AHA.â€

Hmmmmm... :uhoh:
This could be American Humane saying "snub us will you? how about this then!"

Or it could be a wires-crossed thing: maybe the relationship was terminated, but a mistake was made and they kept passing out the same rebate forms for a while. Maybe there is money that should have gone somewhere that it did not go. Or not.
Good job folks. You got Peak to wise up.

Don't personally agree with bear-baiting though... :D
Confusing. What else to expect from big organizations with bottom lines to protect?

But I like the Sierra antifreeze. Anyone else make one that's got Propylene Glycol instead of the very poisonous Ethylene Glycol?
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