Pelosi: "We're Not Just Taking No For An Answer"

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Don't be so sure of yourself my friend... I can assure you, they will not take no for an answer. They will continue to persue the elimination of our second amendment rights, little by little if they have to.

We won this battle, but the war rages on.
The people have spoken, but the liberal elite didn't like hearing what we had to say. They will doubtlessly continue their crusade to force their unwanted agenda. We have but one option, VOTE THEM OUT.
Its impossible to vote them out when they have a base that depends on them for their very suvival. Vote me out and you wont get free food and money.
the liberal elite didn't like hearing what we had to say

Make no mistake. We think in terms of election cycles. The liberals think in terms of generations. They control the govt brainwashing centers known as the public schools. I was reading about some teacher in Florida who was telling 2nd graders, 2nd graders mind you, to write down why they would be willing to give up their 2nd Amendment rights.

They have absolutely no scruples whatsoever.
Exactly sunny. A lot of people on here say oh they cant take your guns. Its unconstitutional. Been called alex jones. We have reached a tipping point where something bad is going to happen. The path we are on is unsustainable.
SunnySlopes: Nobody "controls" the public schools. Liberals just happen to choose that occupation more often than conservatives. If you don't like it, get your degree in education and start teaching and making a difference.

As for the topic, it has been a long time since I have seen the other side this indignant. They are rip-roaring mad about this one, and they are going to lash out. Beware acts of political desperation (attaching gun control to popular bills, etc.), and be ready for a ramped-up public relations battle.

It's been a long while since they came this close to victory on a national scale. They have not been defeated, they've been emboldened.

Grandpa used to say that once a dog had tasted blood, it was never the same. As far as real dogs go, I doubt that's true. But those gun-grabbing dogs are another story...
SunnySlopes: Nobody "controls" the public schools. Liberals just happen to choose that occupation more often than conservatives. If you don't like it, get your degree in education and start teaching and making a difference.

I am a teacher in the secondary level, my Junior class watched the debate on the proposed amendments to S. 649 in class yesterday. I was very suprised this morning to learn the majority of them went home and watched the votes. Made me proud to be a teacher!
I've never been a supporter of hitting a woman but she may change my mind!

Some people need a nice smack upside the head to get the sense juices flowing!
Would you take no for an answer? What if it went the other way? Would you not try to have the legislation repealed? I know your answer is that you would try to have it repealed. So why would you expect them to stop trying to enact more gun control. There are people that want it. We need to look beyond our own needs/wants to understand how the other side works. I'm really annoyed that I have to talk about politics like they're sports teams w/ definite sides.

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She no lady. A self indulgent pig, who live off the carcasses of the middle class who she despises so much. We will just have to do it all over again, considering what's at stake, a few letters a week are no big deal. I saw today while at a local Dog Park, that the majority of people, have had it with this administration, and know what is going on better than Obama would care to believe.
I made sure to explain the garbage that the ne proposed laws would have attached to it, which they immediately were against once explained to them.
The NRA has to get the entire truth out there, once people understand what is really going on they seem to "get it".
I am a teacher in the secondary level, my Junior class watched the debate on the proposed amendments to S. 649 in class yesterday. I was very suprised this morning to learn the majority of them went home and watched the votes. Made me proud to be a teacher!

Keep up the good work!
I'm a High School teacher as well... while there are certainly some liberals in education... there are also some rednecks!
Give her a 30 second head-start with a few bad guys chasing her. She can either be given a cell phone or an AR-15........wonder which one she would choose?

On second thought, she might just scare the trashy guys away with a smile....
OK,gym. But you never dated Nancy at 17! :D
Are any of us as adults much like what we were at 17?

Most people are not. Hell, I was a lot better looking at 17 than I am now, doesn't mean I was any smarter then, or dumber for that matter. Thinking back, though, I was as much a libertarian then as I am today, I just didn't have the word for it.

Not everyone is who you'd expect them to be. Just found out one of my wife's friends was a die hard anti-gunner. Never would have expected that. And my uncle is considering buying a 9mm hand gun and a 12 gauge shotgun. I never would have expected that, either.

I typically don't try to judge people at face value, knowing they have a lot of depth and layers most people don't see. It does get hard when people who are probably pretty okay start to trash the fundamentals of your beliefs, though. I can totally understand why people say hateful things about gargoyles like Feinstein and Pelosi. It's hard to look past it when they attack your rights and beliefs.

I have a special brand of vitriol for Pelosi. Her selfish, unwarranted actions put me and a lot of other GI's in danger when I was stationed in Turkey. But that is way off topic.
She is in the House. The house would have defeated it anyway. I act like I am 17. Just ask my wife......chris3
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