Petition to end use of the phrase "gun grabber"

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Jan 2, 2007
I was just on GOA's site, and I love them dearly, but am I the only one who wants to puke every time they hear the phrase "gun grabber?" It's the world's stupidest phrase for starters. It has a quasi friendly tone towards the anti gunners because it has this connotation of friendly wrestling or something. If you agree with me, help end the scourge of that stupid phrase. For pete's sake (another dumb phrase), the anti gunners are not "grabbing" they're STEALING while hiding behind government like cowards. Why does Schumer constantly get called a "gun grabber" when he's nothing but a violent thief (who sends government agents to perpetrate his violence)?

I think the phrase "gun grabber" bugs me because it doesn't sound like we're serious when we use it. It almost sounds like we're kidding. It sounds like we care more about alliteration than holding onto our property.

"I think the phrase "gun grabber" bugs me because it doesn't sound like we're serious when we use it."

They won't print what we'd really like to call them. ;)
Alternative term

I always assumed that “gun grabber” is the best (but none-too-good) short term they could come up with to counter “gun control” in media bites.
Of late, I am leaning toward “anti-gun cult” as a more meaningful description of the enemy. I think it captures the essential element of emotional, irrational fanaticism better.
It's hard to come up with a universal little catch phrase. Maybe "gun grabbers" does sound a little simplistic, and they usually say "we aren't going to take your hunting guns." I usually use "anti-gun," because that's pretty much what these people are. They aren't against crime, they aren't against criminals, they aren't against gangs, etc.... they're against guns.

What's that saying about a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth?

Let's just pick something more harsh sounding like "Anti-Freedom" and insist on using it when describing the traitors-formerly-known-as-gun-grabbers. After a few years of that, they will be known by nothing other than the "Anti-freedom" crowd.

Don't think it'll work: think of how easily the terms "gun nuts" and 'gun lobby' have stuck. It'll work.

Forget it. Opinions of the phrase aside, you're not gonna get rid of an identifier which is specific. The term isn't all-encompassing as are such things as "Democrats" and other names of political parties.

No need to waste bandwidth in a lost cause.

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