Petition to RNC(anti gun control)

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That one's been around for a while - a couple of years at least. I think they just use it as a way to collect e'mail addresses.
It's been established that online petitions accomplish *nothing*. You "feel good", because you've "done something", but there will be no result. Instead of wasting time with that, how about take five minutes to write a letter or email to your state and US representatives and Senators?
The call/write/email thing in _this_ case should probably be directed towards the RNC itself.

We usually forget addressing the party machinery directly during these campaigns...
I have:

My Representative solidly opposes the AWB. Byrd will trade his AWB vote and Rockefeller is an elitist.
There are 80 million gun owners in this country. We are the largest single-issue voting block. Organized, we can elect any candidate we want. And we are vigilant.
If only this was true. :mad:
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