Petition to stop renewal of the AW ban!

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May 7, 2004
I started a petition on to stop any renewal of the 1994 AW ban. Im going to follow this up with letters to any and all of my reps and any other pressure i can think of. Just because we won the battle before by getting a renewal defeated we dont need to be complacent about this.

Please sign my petition HERE

thanks for show your support. Now please follow up your signature with a calm and well mannered letter to all of your reps. Instead of watching this think sink from a distance lets pound it into the ground personally.

NOTE: Please keep comments on topic of AWB or gun rights. Already there has been one idiot made a comment about the jews and such comments will not be tolerated and will be edited out as they would severely hurt our cause. try to keep race, religion and other sensitive subjects out of the comments area.

Also id suggest putting your last name and at least part of your address on the signature. this is not required but it adds more weight to the signature. thanks
Participating in an online poll might make you feel better, but that's all it will accomplish.

Besides, the AWB will sunset. There is no question on that point. Congress would have to pass a new bill on to the President and get it signed to renew the ban.
Participating in an online poll might make you feel better, but that's all it will accomplish.

Besides, the AWB will sunset. There is no question on that point. Congress would have to pass a new bill on to the President and get it signed to renew the ban.

Yes but did you sign the petition? :)

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246. This cosmetic ban has nothing to do with crime. It is feel-good legislation that has been shown statistically to have no effect. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars with worthless legislation. Enforce existing laws.
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