Picture tells a thousand words

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I love how they just say "The NRA won". That's part of their problem right there. :D

For sure they would have been in glee if they had won the vote. Regardless of the chances of the same thing in the House and the real fact that such a law if passed would have no impact on lawbreakers. (yeah I know, that's not what it's really about)
This guy is delusional, and I will say it again, he thinks if he keeps repeating things that they will become true, Like those 10% evil people, beat our 90% Americans. I for one, never saw 90% get beat by 10%, any place for anything. But he keeps saying it, think how stupid it sounds. It's like saying 90% of America voted against gun control, and somehow the 10% still out voted them.
Where does this kind of logic occur? only in his mind.
He will insist and just talk over anyone who disagrees with him, and then Morgan and the rest of the Biased Media, will keep repeating it, those lousy 10% stopped us from being safe, until someone makes it evident that this is just a flat out lie.
If they had 90% we would be sitting here with slingshots, "maybe".Probably spit balls.
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