Pins/Badges from other countries

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Dec 1, 2006
Just wondering if anyone has any badges or pins on their slings, gun cases, etc just for authenticity or something. Or is that unpatriotic? Post pictures if you do.
Well, I'm not American :)

Actually, neither is that Mossberg patch looking too American.

Swedish flag colors and design, and tre kronor (three crowns)= A Swede
I wear a (current) German army surplus flecktarn coat during the winter that still has the German flag on the shoulder. Wearing a surplus US emblemmed BDU coat would imply I served in the armed forces of the nation, which I have not. Also have the older SIG circular emblem decals (with 'Swiss' written in various languages around circumference) on the windows of my car.
I have an Olympic rings pin from the Trinidad & Tobago pistol team on my IDPA vest. I think they gave them to most all of the National Championship S.O.s & staff.

That count?
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