planning on buying a "pimp gun". best choice for über shiney finish?

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Yeah, most ivory and mom-of-pearl grips are "presentation" grips not intended for shooting. They're veneers, you see.

I bought a pair of "Polymer ivory" grips from ajax for the colt officers pictured above. They looked like they had just been popped our of a plastic mold, so I sanded off all the sharpness and left longitudinal marks and a matte finish. Then I soaked them in coffee for a week. Now I've got them out in the sun to yellow.

They're starting to look more like ivory now. When I put them on, I'll post another picture. Have to get a new hat though. Gold tooth . . . .
longeyes- That's the point, pimps never shot their guns much at all. They don't want them to get all dirty you know.:D
My dealer had the super-shiney Colt .38 Super in stock. I was drawn to it instantly (until I saw the price tag).

Ledbetter: that's a nice Commander! BTW, I notice that the slats on your blinds have brown spots just like mine. :D
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