Please help me choose a place to live, raise a family.

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Northern Nevada is very nice. My dad moved to Fallon, it's semi rural with a close big city, nice weather, gun laws are few, I've seen a few churches around.
dido Va. I was born on the Va. Tn. line and I have family in Floyd County and in Clarksville Tn. and Kingsport Tn. just remember Tn. has a 9.5 sales tax
I think the "Christianity is the norm" statement was not ment to mean "no Jews, Muslims, buddists, etc."

He just wants to raise his family in a community where ideals often deamed "christian" prevail. I use to call these "western ideals" until I realized they arn't anymore.

for example a place where; abortion isn't taught as a "quick fix", where the golden rule is practiced, where tree huggers and PC wierdos don't constantly pepper humanity with their leftist, semi-socialist "ideals". where Al Gore isn't a demi-god but just a leftwing nut-job.

Do you want to live next to Jerry Brown, or June Cleaver? I think he is only looking for June Cleaver's neighborhood.

Yeah, but VT has become the "gay-state" of New England now...who wants to be around that crap? Especially someone trying to raise a Christian family?

Add to that the liberal secular-humanist "progressive" VT much longer is it before VT ends up like anti-gun MA?

ME might be a better state presently.

Too bad about VT, sure WAS a nice place before the perverts moved in.


Hills, mountains and trees...try New Mexico...regardless of the politics, you can be way out in the country just about anywhere there, even living close to a major city (of which there are few in NM).

The high-rent area of northern NM, such as Santa Fe, is real nice but you need some bucks to live there. I plan to move nearby to Los Alamos...or White Rock (also high cost-of-living...except utilities are lower).

You can still get mountains and trees, however, in S.E. NM in places like Ruidoso and Cloudcroft...same higher-altitude weather, mountains and trees as the Santa Fe area has, but the cost-of-living is MUCH less!

Can't say much about a Christian neighborhoods in those parts, but you know, just about everywhere nowadays, real Christians are an endangered species no matter where you go. So much for this country being a "Christian Nation" hasn't been in decades at least.

Santa Fe area has various Indian pueblos and the Ruidoso area has the WHite Mountain Apache reservation.

Complete demographics can be found here:

...which is a MUST-SEE website for anyone considering relocating.

Good luck in finding a decent place...I congratulate you on the parameters you have set.

-- John D.

P.S. I forgot to add that the Indians in both places have assorted casinos...but that doesn't mean you have to gamble. I don't...I only go to them for their buffet!

I think he is only looking for June Cleaver's neighborhood.

When you find it, let me know! ;)

But then again, I'm not sure I have the same ideas as you. I guess we all have our different ways of looking at things. Personally, I think it is the freedom to have those different ideas that makes America great. I just want to live around people who respect and care about themselves and others.
..I'm not going to tell you where, but before moving, look at it in depth before you commit lest you find out things you don't like after you already have bought...take a walk around the town, city also the neighborhood, visit the school(s), church(s), if you to some people...get a good idea so you can decide with confidence without any buyer's regrets...don't just look at a home and decide on that, don't forget about the traffic on a typical day...taxes, etc...
Western Minnesota, the Dakota's, Montana, Idaho, parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, Wyoming all have a lot going for them. several of these states also have fairly strong liberal areas, but once away from the denver's or twin cities, you get in true american heartland.

It is fairly easy to find work in any of the Above if you have a skill to sell. My niece and her hubby just left tonight heading back to Idaho. He is a CADCAM machinist (he can write the programs and run the machines), as well as traditional machine tool work and he has a great job in a shop that makes aircraft parts. She is a Nurse/technologist who works in a cardiac unit. Her speciality is the heart lung machine that keeps people alive when the bypass surgery is run. Both have really just AA degrees plus either trade school or (nieces case) a year training by the company that makes the machines. They live in the real country, they have a manageable commute and are well on the way to have a really good lifestyle.

I have two friends who are leaving Mn and heading back to ND to work. they have been recruited for working at ethanol place, him as a PIO and she as a computer support person. They will make a bit less than here, but selling a 400K house in minneapolis will let them own a couple hundred acres there and a really nice house for less than that.

School teachers are often desperately needed in the rural areas, and although not so high paying, are usually good sound jobs to build a career on.

Look hard at what you have to offer, call the states you think you would like to live in and ask them what programs they have to lure new people. I heard one state (I think SD but not sure) was offering like 5 years no state income tax and property tax for new people who had the skill sets they were looking for. Niece and her hubby got 40K loan, interest free, for 30 years to use as down payment when they moved. If they sell the house and leave the state, they have to pay it back out of proceeds, but if they upgrade to a nicer place after 5 years, they get to re-use the money. Minnesota has similar programs and I think both dakotas have similar ways of getting first time buyers into homes in their states.
Some of those "perverts" are strong supporters of RKBA. Drop the gay bashing.This is the High Road.
Just move them to Niger

Wherever you go, a lot of what happens will be up to you. I would look at the tax levels to see how much of your work will actually end up in your pocket... someone mentioned Vermont. I believe Vermont is in the running for highest-taxed state. NH next door is the lowest-taxed state, so between those two the choice should be easy.

Or you could use the character-building technique, and just move to Niger. You certainly won't have to worry about meeting any liberals.
Dang, no here's the problem. We have a state that used to be evenly divided blue/red, but as the dips from California keep moving in, the reds in our state (never thought I'd refer to myself as a "red") are pushed out by the culture and the high cost of living.

Then this cycle just perpetuates itself, we leave, the blues pour in, and the state goes down the toilet. It's a sad situation. The coasts get gummed up with the spoiled left, and we get displaced because we can't stand them. Argh!
Vermont has become a sickening cesspool of outright Socialism that even Marx would admire.

The people I talk to day to day spout the most socialist stuff you can imagine. To them, everything is a good enough cause to raise taxes. Yet, they won't even label themselves as Socialists. Many call themselves "independents," which, in my opinion, is just a lazy euphemism for Progressive.

Vermont now has a veto-proof majority of Progressive Socialists in the House (the Republican governor retained his seat), and it might be a matter of time before even our free gun culture goes down the drain.

DO NOT move to Vermont unless you want the government to support you. DO NOT move to Vermont unless you like the idea of working two or more jobs to make a livable wage. DO NOT move to Vermont unless you are a welfare rat and you want absolutely NO incentive for getting off the government dole. DO NOT move to Vermont unless you like the idea of having to jump through burning hoops to build an 8x10 ft shed in your backyard.

Most importantly, DO NOT move to Vermont unless you want to see first hand the economic collapse of a state once the baby boomers become infirmed, and there is no one here to support them.

New Hampshire is looking better and better every day.
Dips from California, Perverts, independent=socialist


This is THE HIGH ROAD. People forget that California is not completely blue. It's mostly the big cities and the area around monterey/Santa Cruz. Inland Empire, Central Valley, North of the Hippie Gate Bridge, is full of "Reds". "Perverts" meaning homosexuals is not THR language. Weither or not you like someone's lifestyle, it's none of your buisness until it's imposed on you. Using language that is ment to mearly offend or encite anger isn't the way to win hearts and minds. I thought most people here were freedom loving? That includes freedom of choice and speach. I don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle, therefore I'm not gay. However if some is and doesn't bother me with it (I don't go around talking about how straight I am) I don't care! And blanket statements about groups is what spawns bigotry and racism.

How often have you been grouped with the "ted kazinsky militia gun nut types" or "rednecks" or whatever because of your gun hobby?

Many people are walking away from the right or left because neither party seems to be freedom loving anymore. Where ever someone moves there will be people that think different.


But I agree with the notion of taking your family out of the lions's den (somewhere very socialist) to somewhere more freedom loving.
Sorry, I only meant the actual DIPS! Not that all the folks that come here from Cali (notice I didn't say "Kali" :p) are dips! No offense intended. Dips come from all over the place. I've been known to act like a dip more often than I'd care to admit.
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Car Knocker,

El Paso USED to be dryer than it has been for the last 20 years or so. Since then, Summers have been more humid...certainly a weather-change-trend that may/may not be a part of global warming. Presonally, I think it's just a natural cycle.

Back in the days of the Spaniards, 400 years ago, El Paso was "wetter" and had more vegetation than it does I think it's just a natural trend.

I think Arizona is the last place now to have dry heat Summers.


That changes me they're still the enemy and no "brothers" of mine, pro-RKBA or not. Neither are their sympathizers like you. You're all an American disgrace and ruin every state/city you move to. As for the bashing, that's also nothing...I'd do lots more than that.

-- John D.

I was just wondering - I used to get to El Paso 3-4 times a year and it never seemed all that dry. Here in SLC, next to the Great Salt Lake, it often gets below 5% humidity, sometimes as early as March.
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