Please sign this petition to help stop the new AWB ...

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Mar 15, 2006
Capital City, SC

If you are not aware, there has been another AWB bill introduced that will adversely affect all of us if allowed to pass and become law.

That petition, if our goals are reached, has the potential to bring HR 1022 to a halt.

Please, read about HR 1022 if you will, and then sign the petition I linked above. This is so very important in terms of our 2nd Ammendment Rights.
Please, if it is a dupe, then let's fine the otherone and sticky it to the top along with this one ... it is important that we all pull together and not lessen the importance of this effort with board police stuff.

This is not trolling, not spam, not bait. This is something that we really, all of us, need to pull together on.

As far as writing your reps, yes ... great idea, but people are going to take the easiest road.

It is easy to sign this petition. It only takes a moment and people WILL pay attention as evidenced by Tony Blair's recent decision to start the official British Government petition site ... with this being an election year you can bet our politicians will be paying attention to online petitions this year.

Please, let's not undermine or minimise or lessen the value of our efforts. Let's just all get on board and do the best we can to get the required number of signatures up there that might help us make a difference.


We can do this if we all pull together.

If we don't ... we're in serious danger of losing our 2nd Ammendment Rights.

So yes, write your representatives, your favorite politicians, whatever ... but please, take just a moment to sign this petition as well.

If this thread is a dupe, please merge it with the other one which I have not been able to find either on this board (where it will hopefully stay since it is a busy board) or over on the politics and law board. We need it stickied where everyone that logs on once a day or once a week might see it and contribute and be fired-up enough to join forces and stop this thing.

If as many of us get involved in this as got involved against Zumbo ... we'll stop this thing in no time. Agreed? How could they ignore a million signatures?

I am a regular lurker here, although I rarely post ... I know there are enough concerned and savvy gun owners here to recognize the extreme importance of this and to get energized and modilized in an effort to make a difference.
I signed it.

I also paper-mailed my rep.

Make sure you paper-mail your rep too. It means more.
These other initiatives are fine, but must be taken in perspective.

here's a copy of what I sent to the Judiciary Committee. I reworded slightly for my Congressman and Senators

Dear Congressmen:

I have been watching in horror as my government has continued to erode my constitutional rights and eliminate my freedoms. I love my country and strongly believe the U.S. Constitution means exactly what it says and has been interpreted to mean since this country was founded. With respect to the 2nd Amendment, a citizen's right to keep and bear arms means just that, the people have the inalienable right to own them. Currently, HR 1022 a bill to reestablish and expand the "assault weapon ban" may be sent to the House floor for debate and vote. I encourage you to contact me at your convenience to discuss my strong objections to this bill. I implore you to vote NO on this bill or any other proposal that would infringe on my constitutional rights no matter how well intended.


Quoted for Truth

internet petitions are worth the paper they are printed on.

As the title says.

The only possible way an internet petition is going to have the *slightest* chance of doing anything useful is to get it noticed by the media, and told about in a positive light. Simply plopping a petition down on a site somewhere and expecting it to do more than cause our congresscritters to do more than "Yawn, delete!" is tilting at windmills.

As others have said, letterwriting campaigns have more of an effect, due mainly to the large bags of mail that show up. Of course, since we're a good long time from the next election, they're likely to ignore even that in favor of their own agendas. But it couldn't hurt, and at least when they finally get thrown back out of office, they'll know why.
I don't know guys, I disagree that this petition has no chance to make a difference. Sometimes the least expected, smallest thing, can make a difference - who knows. IMHO it is simply bad manners and shepplish to poo poo the idea in an effort to discourage others from trying - especially in a case as important as this.

We had better try anything and everything possible - because the bad guys wanna take our guns, it is that plain and simple.

Tony Blair has popularized the use of petitions over in Great Britain and it is catching on everywhere across Europe ... and will be used here in coming months by politicians in this next big election.

This petition is a chance to get a head start and beat the rush.

Blair bulk emails responses to everyone that signs a petition deemed worthy - ideas that are serious in nature and need to be addressed. There are rules and terms and conditions, but if you follow those, as we have, your petition will be given serious consideration.

By getting the jump, who knows, if that group of so-called 2nd Ammendment advocates who are going around saying this petition is worthless, would simply sign the petition and help promote it instead - we'd probably reach a million signatures overnight.

I am all for emailing, handwriting, and signing petitions. Heck, we'd better be prepared to do it all because that is going to be what it is going to take to prevent having this next AWB inacted and us losing our rights in the process.

When it happens, don't regret not signing a petition with your name and email address ... it might make a difference.

We just need to get everyone active in all of it quite frankly.

Edit: Link demonstrates growing effectiveness of epetitions.

One Million Brits Send Blair E-Petitions In Less Than Three Months
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