Poacher pays for his actions

Do you think the punishment fits the crime?

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Aug 5, 2007
A trophy size deer poached in 2006 is now on display at Mille Lacs Kathio State Park thanks to the Turn-In-Poachers (TIP) hotline.

Joshua R. Lincoln, 20, of Hillman, was recently ordered to pay $1,500 in fines and restitution for shooting an eight-point buck in the park in November 2006. He also served five days in jail and had his big game hunting privileges suspended for three years.

State Conservation Officer Paul Kuske of Pierz received a call from the TIP hotline that Lincoln had the poached deer in the back of his pickup. Kruse discovered an untagged buck and the head of a tagged buck under some tires in the bed of Lincoln’s truck.

Lincoln initially told Kuske the tagged deer was being processed and the untagged deer belonged to a hunting partner who had forgotten to register the animal. He later changed his story.

“While returning home after work around 10:30 at night, Lincoln said he saw what he described as ‘the biggest buck he had ever seen,’” Kuske said. “Using a spotlight and 30-30 rifle, Lincoln shot the deer, drove into the park and retrieved it. He tried to get a friend to tag the deer, but the friend wanted no part of any illegal activity.”

A portion of the restitution amount was used to mount the deer, which is now on display at the interpretive center.

“It was a beautiful buck that likely spent its days in the state park,” Kuske said. “It only seems appropriate that it be mounted and shared with those who visit Kathio. It’s about the only positive way to look at this poaching case.”

People who witness a game or fish violation in Minnesota can report the incident to the state’s TIP hotline at 1-800-652
If you give too harsh of a sentence like taking the guy's truck, rifles, etc, then noone will want to turn anyone in for poaching. But, if they know the worst will be a fine and couple of days in jail, the program will likely see success.

So, I hit the "just right" button.

I'm the same way. Poach around me, and I'll drop a dime on you. I don't care who you are.
the fine should've been a little higher. the poacher should've had his rifle taken and put up for auction and the money from that re-invested into the tips program. the jail time was just right.
I'm not claiming it's true in all state parks, but in many of them, Bambi will walk right up to you. It would be no different than shooting a pet.

I don't object to the punishment as levied, particularly if it were a first offense. Good learning experience.

But I wouldn't be dissuaded from TIPping if confiscation of gun and truck were part of the deal for that specific event. It's the possible "pet" aspect, for this one particular example.

In Utah it is illegal to take a firearm into or shoot in a National Park, he is lucky that is all that happened to him.
In Indiana he would have most likely lost his truck, rifle, and equipment used to process the deer.

There were some guys not too far from here that were using a helicopter to chase deer to others that were posted at the end of the field. They ended up losing the helicopter that was worth $100,000+, along with the trucks, guns, meat saws, and freezers.

Hope it's worth that for a deer.
Assuming the story/correct is true, I say it is fair. If he was hunting in a total no hunting park and was tagging more than his limit, I say it is fair.

But that being said, the laws are to screwy around here. This gun, these days, part of the park, but not all of the park. You can have a CCW, but not everywhere. You can kill deer out of season with different guns, but only if you are on the list and in the right place. It is screwy. Honest people are screwing up.
as others have stated.. Just right, as long as it was a first offense.. A gun confiscation, 2 or 3 extra days in Jail , and another few hundred dollars added to the fine certainly wouldn't break my heart though.
i put just right. thats a pretty hefty fine for a 20 year old, so i doubt hell be doing anything like this again.

the only part of it i could see them being too harsh is the 3 years no big game hunting. he messed up, he paid the 1500 and served his jail sentence, now hes being punished for 3 years...

if it was me (well...it wouldnt be me because im not that stupid, but...) i would rather stay 15 or 20 days in jail then lose hunting privilages for 3 years. i know, i know, its a punishment and ur not supposed to like it, but still. there is no indication that he has poached before, so i wish there was a way he could do service at the park to get his hunting privilages back.

o well, i guess all he can do is deal with it.

edit: after i re-read my post it really sounds like i contradicted my vote. what i meant to convey is that the punishment was more then fair, but id like to see a way for him to work his ass off to get his hunting rights back.
I don't comprehend how the vehicle can be seized as evidence and never returned. Doesn't seem legitimate to me. What if it was a lease? Does the Leasing company suffer the loss?

I'd rather see the convicted offender receive lengthier jail time and long term community service than the $1500. fine.

Deer over population problems are common throughout the Nat'l Park system. But until hunting laws are changed, it remains a crime to hunt in these restricted areas. The crimes must be detected and prosecuted in accordance with CURRENT laws.
Assuming 1st offense, I voted "just right" . . . if the guy is/was a frequent offender or continues down this grossly unethical path, mount him next to the buck . . .
The way I see it he stole that privilege from someone else who could have taken the deer legally.

I voted not enough because he said the reason why was because it was the biggest he had ever seen...so, that is a poor, selfish excuse to break the law.
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