Pocket knife?

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My constant companion since age 14 has been my little red Swiss Army Knife. It is the "Tinker" I believe.

I've used it for everything from woodcarving to solo-surgery, cleaning bream to skinning critters up to and including a ~ 200 lb black bear. I can not say enough about this tool.

It is light, sharp, and strong. Mine has two blades, can/bottle openers, two flat and one philips head drivers and an awl. Out of everything, I use the small blade most. That little claw is SHARP!

It is not a multitool in the same sense of the word as a Leatherman or Gerber, as it does not have the pliers, but I find myself carrying it over my Gerber 99.98% of the time.

The Gerber multi-plier is great by the way... Kinda chunky though.
Take a look at the Leatherman Squirt P4(pliers) or S4(scissors). $28 at knifecenter and worth every penny.

For something a bit larger than the Squirt, the Juice C2 or S2 are just a couple $$ over your price cap. ( I know. I hate when I ask for recommendations and include a price cap and everyone tells me to spend more. Reminds me a real estate agent :rolleyes: Sorry. On the bright side its only $2.95. I can loan you that much:p)

I've alwats been a Gerber multi-tool fan and still am for the full size models. Leatherman never did anything for me 'til the Squirt and Juice lines were introduced. Now I'm never without my Squirt P4.
I second the Swiss Army Tinker.

Unless you need the pliers that another tools gives you the Swiss Army is hard to beat.

I like the Tinker because that size is good and the Philips screwdriver comes out the end rather than the side. Small issue, but big if you actually have to use it.

For a multi-tool I like the Leatherman original.
Pocket knife

I've used a Boy Scout pocket knife for years. They have a reasonable screwdriver blade and a Phillips blade and a punch and one 3 inch blade as a cutting edge. Not pretty or dangerous looking but it sure is practicle and very useful. Can be purchased where ever Scout things are sold. :)
Just posted this in another thread. The Leatherman Micra would be my recommendation:

"But I really love my Leatherman Micra. I have two. Better than any small Swiss army knife anyday. The little blade is wicked sharp, the scissors are actually useful, and the nailfile is very effective. You can't loose the tweezers and the bottle opener works. It has a regular screwdriver, an emergency phillips, and a tiny eyeglass screwdriver tool. And it has a ruler as well. Neat little gadget for $20."
Thanks. :)

I wasn't expecting these things to be as cheap as they are, so I think I'm going to purchase both the Tinker and a Squirt P4. :)

Oddly enough, Amazon had the cheapest price for the Tinker. :scrutiny:
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