Police shooting, er, bear thread

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Apr 10, 2010
Kodiak, AK
Seward police shoot bear, also hit bystander

Called to the small boat harbor at about 10 p.m., police tried and failed to drive the bear away, the department said. "For the public's safety," police then shot the animal with a pair of shotgun slug rounds, according to a department news release.

One round exited the bear and struck someone who was standing in the area, police said.

I don't know how big that bear was but a 12 ga. slug is quite a load to use against most black bears that I'm familiar with. Heck, a well placed shot with a 357 mag. has put down many a black bear.
how fun would it be to get a call about a blackbear and u take ur S&W(since its only a blackbear) with u just to find out its a dirty 800pound grizzly instead
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Radium needs to remember he isn't on his blackberry when posting on a forum.

In Kodiak, Alaska they are not talking about black bears. Kodiak is the home of the Kodiak Brown Bear. Oh about the size of a large Grizzly.
Everyone might want to read the article like Radium did before commenting since the Seward, AK police clearly says it was a black bear.
A shotgun round fired by Seward police to kill a black bear Thursday night at the city's small boat harbor passed through the animal, ricocheted and hit a bystander in the abdomen, police say.

The bystander suffered minor injuries, according to the department.

Read more: http://community.adn.com/adn/node/152935#ixzz0xuLbHlrP
In Kodiak, Alaska they are not talking about black bears. Kodiak is the home of the Kodiak Brown Bear. Oh about the size of a large Grizzly.

Right, but this happened in Seward, AK, which is not on Kodiak Island and they do have Black Bear...at least according to the article, police, and the poor bystander who got hit with the slug!
Having read enough posts by the OP, I would be bringing my 20" 870 and whatever slug hits to point of aim. I dont believe in taking chances.
We have more of the story this morning. The bystander was only bruised by a ricochet.


A crowd gathered and the bear, which apparently had been hiding, ran out, Oates said.

Police shot it once with a shotgun. Soon it was running again, Oates said.

The second shot killed the animal but the round didn't stop there.

"I think it went through his ear and maybe out one side of his head. And then, like I say, it ricocheted off something and then hit the bystander," Oates said.


bet the guy hit had a funny look on his face! at least till he figured out he wasn't bad hurt. i know my lil brain would make some leaps of logic if i got hit by a 12 gauge slug and my ability to assess damage might lag behind my oh shucks response
Radium wrote: "how fun would it be to get a call about a blackbear and u take ur S&W(since its only a blackbear) with u just to find out its a dirty 800pound grizzly instead"

You'd be surprised at how well versed Alaskans are when it comes to identifying bears.
Here's some video of a "black" brown/grizzly that I took yesterday morning below my house
Excellent video - they are pure power in motion when lumbering along!

All we have around here are deer, the occasional bobcat and coyote.

Unlike that idiot Timothy Treadwell, I'm betting that you were sufficiently armed when shooting this video! :evil:
He's probably 35 yards at the closest, but I'm up a steep bank and he's well aware of me - no surprises. He's not interested in me, but you see him look at me once in a while to make sure I haven't moved. These coastal bears are pretty tolerant when the salmon are in; you have to surprise them or threaten (in their mind) a cub or something like that before they'll get aggressive.
I've got pepper spray and a shotgun for insurance.
As usual, Kodiak, another outstanding video. Thanks for sharing...Can't wait to get over there to hunt, and I know what I'll carry for that. And now I know what I'll carry while I'm fishing...a 12 gauge, not a handgun.
Was that a young, inexperienced bear? He didn't look to me like he was really proficient at catching salmon.
Thanks Tac!

Just for your education, since you'll be hunting up here some time - the bear in the video is about an 8 footer, just a middling to average bear. It could be a boar in that indeterminate age between 6 and 10, or a dry sow. The big boars (over ten years or so) get a broad chest like a boxer dog. Their head looks smaller in comparison to their body.

Here's a couple of big "10 foot" bears. As you can see, these are taken at long range in early dawn because these old boys have learned a thing or two. They don't expose themselves much.


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Was that a young, inexperienced bear? He didn't look to me like he was really proficient at catching salmon

That bear is between 6 and 10 years old if it's a male, or it could be an adult sow of any age. He/she caught at least three in that short period. If you watch in hi-def you can see it it pins the head with one paw and then expertly filets the fish, leaving just the head, backbone and tail.
Gargantuan...big 'uns, for sure...Thanks for the tip, Kodiak...
By the way...any estimation of weight on those two...???
That bear is between 6 and 10 years old if it's a male, or it could be an adult sow of any age. He/she caught at least three in that short period. If you watch in hi-def you can see it it pins the head with one paw and then expertly filets the fish, leaving just the head, backbone and tail.
It just struck me as being very long legged for a mature boar.
Both of those are easily 1000 pounds. The hawg on the left must go at least 1200 pounds.

It just struck me as being very long legged for a mature boar.

He/she will be a lot less lanky in a few more weeks. The salmon are late, but now that they're in the bears will eat up to 200 pounds of fish a day. Brown bears increase their weight by 50% in late summer early fall.
wow..thanks, Kodiak. That's huge...for sure. I can only dream that I can hook up with one in that class...And I thought an eight footer was big...
but you see him look at me once in a while to make sure I haven't moved.
If you weren't playing the guitar so loud he probably wouldn't even notice you :) Consider this city boy very envious of your surroundings :(
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