Police Train Manuals for Categorizing Domestic Terrorist

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Apr 25, 2008
I wanted to ask if anyone knows where you can order, the current federal and state level law enforcement training manuals on categorizing domestic terrorist. I watched a online video, where a man briefly showed a manual used, which basically depicted any person, asserting action against the powers that be, as a terrorist, someone who constantly referred to the constitution of the US as a terrorist.

Basically it depicts the indoctrination process Federal and state law enforcement are given during training, will lead an officer to depict the domestic terrorist as any God fearing, God, Family, Country, full blooded American as a terrorist. It seems there is a shift in focus in our government of not protecting the liberties and freedoms of our citizens, but controlling the citizens with absolute force, and protecting the rights and liberties of the powers that be. There is a effort of protecting the government officials power to dictate the choices of the masses of U.S. citizens. Also, I'd like to know who was the author of these training manuals, because they are fundamentally treasonist acts against every tomb stone in Arlington Semitary.

I also want people to realize what was the fundamental premise in creating the Homeland Security Administration government branch? The terrorist acts of 911 was all within the ability of the CIA to discover and destroy the threat of these men. I also believe, there is coming a point when absolute power enforcement will be implemented over the will of the common US citizen. Much like the function of the SS, companies like Black Water or other similar type companies that are categorized as private companies and non-govermental agencies will be called upon to enforce absolute control over our citizens.

Knowledge by the way in my view, is basically worthless, unless a person is in a position of authority to impose his/her knowledge in persuading or forcing their decisions on the will of other persons. I fear there is coming a day when common everyday Americans will be rounded up and placed in containment quarters, by force or death. I have visited the streets of Warsaw Poland where people were simply pulled from their homes and shot on the street in front of their homes for their religious beliefs, I have also visited and stood in the gas chambers of Aschwitz, which is actually the German word for the city Oschwitz, Poland. I have also stood in front of the black wall, were literally thousands of people lost their lives, innocent of no crime other than the crimes drawn up on paper in Germany. The forces of darkness are alive in the world, and it is our duty to protect our God given liberties for our children and future generations.
Sounds like you are talking about this....if I remember correctly it was printed and distributed by an agent at a field office out west, as opposed to being actual FBI literature.



Click the images for a larger view.
It's hard to believe that the pamplet lists "defenders of the US constitution against the federal gonvernment and the UN" as a terrorist group.
t's hard to believe that the pamplet lists "defenders of the US constitution against the federal gonvernment and the UN" as a terrorist group.

The guy was fired or disciplined pretty severely if I remember, not that it means his superiors didn't agree.....just that he got caught saying it out loud :)
Here's one from Alabama DHS (link is to an archived page; ALDHS seem to have pulled it, once word started to get around)

And one from Virginia (link is to a PDF document; see pp. 4 and 5)

And one from Pennsylvania (wait, it gets better: see also page 6, the page after the linked page)

I don't know whether there are others.
How's that a warning sign?

Even asking such a question is a certain indicator you're a terrorist sympathizer, if not worse.

Can you prove you're innocent? If not, you're quite a few miles up the deep dark ugly creek. It won't do you any good to talk to your lawyer, and anyway, we're not sure we're going to give you a telephone call.

The war on terrorism is mighty serious, you know.
Who is in charge of defining Domestic Terrorist and Criminal activity?

The pamplet you displayed is one from a field office, but there are complete training manuals which they use at the FBI academy and U.S. Marshals Academy and NAS that go into great length and detail in defining and categorizing terrorist and assisting new agents how to determine activity as terrorist activity. I am surprised this web site and all the users have not been labelled terrorist already. Terrorism is the boat which will enable government authorities the right to overide and eliminate all citizens constitutional rights. Even the definition read on that pamplet seems anti democratic in nature. All they have to do, is place language under the words criminal activity which would include any action any normal citizen takes in opposing the government on any level as terrorist activity, use common sense on these issues. Therefore, it makes any law enforcement action legal, no matter how wrong they may be.
There is a decent documentary on the patriot act, It's produced in part by moveon.org and I don't agree with all their conclusions, but it's frightening the way our liberties are being eroded.
Who know how the next president will use or abuse these new powers.
It's titled "unconstitutional"
I bought my copy, you can watch it for free. 68 minutes long
I attended a class put on by the DHS. They define a domestic terrorist as:

18 USC 2331

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
18 USC 2331

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended—
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Finally . . . proof that F.D.R., Truman, Tibbetts, et al, were "domestic terrorists." Oh, wait, it was done to "un-persons" in another country, never mind. They were foreign terrorists. Must be nice to be in government and have God give you an alternate moral universe to live in.

-Sans Authoritas
It's hard to believe that the pamplet lists "defenders of the US constitution against the federal gonvernment and the UN" as a terrorist group.
You find that difficult to believe. Seriously?

Does the news not reach you in Tennessee?
Well boys, for me I believe our founding fathers new the huge potential of the abuse of governmental powers to supress or control the citizens of our country. My greatest concern in raising this issue or asking these questions, is my fear I will not hand off a society which I've enjoyed growing up to my sons. I fear that they will never experience alot of the liberties I've had in my life. I would give me life to defend this country if asked, but on the other hand, it seems as if the walls are falling down and no one is crying fire. What we need is some good old down home, "common sense" people have their heads up their butt to far to see the world around them. And no we don't get news in Tennessee, we get yankees "da--- yankees at that." I believe the powers created by Homeland Security could be easily used to designate almost any US citizen as a domestic terrorist, which would eliminate all constitutional rights and freedoms. For me, trying to identify domestic terrorist is a protective measure, but on the other hand it is a controlling measure of the people. Would there ever be an abuse of Homeland Security Powers with the clean cut, moral, upstanding, go to church every Sunday people running our government to control our citizens, never? What an obsurded train of thought. Why people running governments around the world will agree to that, there's never been corruption, or greedy people in government positions. I guess those founding fathers weren't as smart as they thought they were. I think they need to modify the definition of domestic terrorist to include any inbread, backwoods, redneck, tabacco chewin dudes out there, and their dogs as well. After all Charlie Daniels is not a domestic terrorist because he's already declared the south is going to do it again, why that is a threat to pursade or eliminate a strong federal government. In my opinion, the federal government needs to be down sizes, or really why don't we just outsource, most of its services, almost everything here's made overseas anyways, why not let China, Russia, and our greatest friends France make our governmental policies. Hell my wife is even made in China.
There is a decent documentary on the patriot act, It's produced in part by moveon.org and I don't agree with all their conclusions, but it's frightening the way our liberties are being eroded.
Who know how the next president will use or abuse these new powers.
It's titled "unconstitutional"
I bought my copy, you can watch it for free. 68 minutes long

It's hard to even sit through that it's so shocking and disturbing.
In Before The Lock

Is anything like that internet urban legend that was floating around during the Klinton era?

The story was something like Janet Reno said A cult member was ; Anyone who takes the Bible seriously, anyone who homeschools, anyone who believes in or strongly supports, the second ammendment and any one who has "survival food" .

Sounds like this one's cut from the same cloth.
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