Political Activism

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Jan 10, 2004
We can talk-talk all we want but unless we ACTIVELY pursue our agenda we will lose the battle for our 2nd amendment rights.

1.) Have you called a politician, in the past month, about your gun rights ?

2.) Have you contributed to the GOA, NRA, JPFO, 2nd amendment foundation, Second amendment sisters, Pink Pistols, or any other progun group in the past six months ?

3.) Contributed time or money to a politician who supports gun rights ?

4.) Written a letter to the editor of your local paper ?

By our sheer numbers we should be able to bury the opposition. Yes things are getting better for gun owners but we need to AGRESSIVELY go after those who deny our GOD given right to self defense..

Just a thought
I have noticed that we win almost every battle that we fight, but we can not fight them all.

Yes to 1 and 2, no to 3 and 4.
Yes to questions 1, 2, 3.

#4 I consider a waste of time. Don't pay the organ grinder if you don't want to see the monkey. Buying that paper to read BS makes no sense to me.
and Yes.

Ya' see, here in Maryland we're fighting a deeply entrenched liberal, gun grabbing mindset, so it's CRUCIAL that we do all of those things in order to stem the erosion of our rights.

The neat thing is, we've actually gotten to enjoy the fruits of our labor a little bit.

I don't know a single person in Maryland that writes more letter to the editors than Norton.

And he actually gets them printed quite often.
I did 2 and 3 recently. And 1 a few months ago when the junk lawsuit bill was in congress. I just now got the form letter replies back from the TX senators so does it count as recent? :p

Donated money to the NRA earlier this year and gave money to the Swift Vets for Truth. Any organization that will help keep kerry out of the oval office is good for gun rights.

#4 isn't too big on my list because I don't read the newspaper unless I am on a public toilet and someone left one around. The Houston Chronicle is a liberal rag, they've banned firearm ads in the classifieds and are running the DNC spin on john forgery kerry.
Yes to all four. The key is consistency. It's real easy to get burned out. Total success will result if everyone does just a little bit.
1) Yes, to the point where they know my name and voice.

2) Yes

3) Yes

4) Yes

5) Have you ever taken the time to actively campaign (phone-banking, lit-drops, door-to-door, put up signs, stuff envelopes) for a pro-2A candidate for office? Yes.

6) Have you ever worked or hosted a fundraiser for a pro-2A candidate? Yes.

7) Have you ever taken time off work to work the polls on election day to give literature to voters on behalf of pro-2A candidates? Yes.

8) Do you have the pro-2A candidates' signs in YOUR yard, and their bumper stickers on your car? Yes.
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