Poor Deer . . . Poorer Hunter

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Dec 17, 2005
I hate it when someone does something like this! It gives good hunters a real bad name. Worse, the animal suffers in a terrible way.


Folks, I may be preaching to the choir . . . but a man needs to learn his limitations and only shoot when you can humanely make the shot!

I agree...

That deer would heal up fine...if somebody would remove the arrow.

We all miss sometimes...whether its a twig in the way, gust of wind, cold and shivering, equipment failure, etc,...its no fun for anybody, but it happens.

We should always use good judgment and do the best we can not to cause any undue pain to the game we are hunting.

Whoever took that picture should do one of 2 things...shoot it with a tranquilizer dart and remove the arrow or finish it.
A fine example of why practice, good judgement, and common sense are important.

One would guess (never assume), that the deer may have heard the release and squatted, resulting in an arrow not quartering in from the rear?
WIthout more info...

Who ever took that photo should have put it out of its misery.

As far as passing judgement on the person who shot this poor deer without more info how can you simply assume that the person did not do his best...had practiced and prepared? Who knows if at the moment of truth something happened to cause this? Not only that but who of us has not had a little buck fever? The day I stop having a little buck fever will be the day I stop hunting.

Bottom line is that when something like this happens the deer needs to be put down or saved.

It did make for an interesting photo....it amazes me the deer lived. I wish someone could tranqulize this deer and remove the arrow so it could live!
Have seen similar situations first hand...have also seen jaw bones and noses shot off...That is why I fly off the handle when folks say "I only take head shots...its either a clean kill or a clean miss"...nothing is further from the truth in either bow or rifle hunting. A deer's brain occupies only a small portion of the head. Hunters - use the "vital zone"!
Looking at the picture, the wound appears to be healed with no signs of infection. I'm sure it's an inconvenience for the deer but not imminently fatal. Deer are tougher than people.
I agree with John. Plus, if you have seen all the photos of that deer, she is healthy, eating, socializing, and getting along pretty good. I'm quite sure it is an inconvenience to her, but I wouldn't think she need be put down over it.

Not knowing who shot, or how it was shot, or the circumstances, it is futile to try and make any blanket statements about why the deer ended up like this. I don't like it, but I sure can't jump on a guy about it without any kind of story.
Just can't help being totally suspicious of that "photo".

No scar. At all. No hair loss. At all. No abrasion or damage to the shaft where the deer tried to rid itself of the arrow. No sign the deer has even tried.
No sign the shaft has even tangled with the brush as the deer moved around.


I think not.

I totally agree w/ Shawnee. Being a graphic designer I work in Photoshop everyday. It wouldn't take me 20 mins. to make a picture like that. I hope like hell it's a fake. The fact that it's blurry and the deer doesn't really seem to be moving makes me think it is. Now the question of why somene made the pic if it is fake. Prob. to get the reaction that it's been getting. Giving us as hunters a bad rep.
Blades are "open". Most mechanical broadheads open on impact. After opening, they can (for lack of a better word) flop open and closed. Nothing holds them in a wide open position.
There you go guys - fixed it for ya.


This is a photoshop. The original post picture is a photoshop too.

If you blow it up and look at the base of the arrow behind the head it
has been blurred in.

This took me about 5 minutes or less. Layers are your friend.
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I like the photoshop theory here.....

It actually looks like a mount to me, the deer is too perfect, look at it's eye

Hello folks,

New to the forum but been hunting since i was 12. Saw this and just had to say something.

my 2 cents is that it wasn't a poor hunter that maimed that doe but modern technology.
Yep, one of those longbows or a rock would have killed it dead.....

(or I guess you could mean photoshop :D)
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