powder measure bore too big for 223!

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Mar 21, 2007
upstate NY
My powder measure is a Herter that I purchased well loved from one of the gentlemen at my rifle club. I have been using it to reload 308, 44 and 45 without issue. However, when I tried to reload 223 recently, I learned that the powder dispensing part is too big (bore ID 0.302"). This part is threaded to screw into the powder measure itself with a thread OD of about 0.62". Is this a common thread size for such parts? Will it be worth my time to go looking for an appropriately bored part that will accommodate 223 or will I be better off asking a friend to machine me a replacement part?

For that matter, would a simply machined part be to start with an appropriately sized and threaded bolt, bore it through with a 5/32" (0.15625" - just in case I ever decide to buy and reload for a .17 centerfire) drill bit and use a chamfer bit to open the threaded end to the same dimension as the existing part and the non-threaded end to a little bigger than 1/2"? I could probably do this on my drill press without involving my friend with a lathe.

Watch yard sales and gunshows and you can probably pick up a good powder measure that will do what you need for about $10 or $15. I've got 7 powder measures in my shop and some of them were pretty cheap.

Hope this helps.

It sounds like a 5/8 inch thread. A good hardware store should carry bolts in that size if you want to try a homemade piece. If you can carry the threaded part to the store it will help when they ask "fine or coarse?"
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