PPK threaded barrel?

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When this leads to "suppressor" type of discussion, the thread won't go far. The fixed barrel adds another slight inconvenience....:)
Talk to ADCO Firearms. They can add threaded extensions to just about any barrel. Fixed barrels too, last I checked. Lots of guys have suppressed .380 PPKs with no problems - you just need a can with no Nielsen device, or the device disabled with a fixed barrel spacer.
I did some research into this and still plan on doing one as I'm a 007 fan. ;) After checking on many forums, the general consensus seemed to be that the easiest route was to get a Walther PP barrel, as apparently those directly fit the ppk and the only difference is the barrel length (it will extend past the slide), which gives you enough room to have it threaded without the need for adapters. I have not done one this way myself, however it makes sense that this would work. From what I understand, the more commonly known ppk/s that everybody knows of is based on a ppk barrel/slide and walther pp frame. The actual original ppk non s model (just plain ppk) is a bit smaller than the /s whereas the pp's only real difference is a slightly longer frame and barrel. If anyone knows any different, please feel free to correct me. This is what I understand from being around the guns awhile and researching them and physically comparing a few.
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