Practical question - sling mount points

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Dec 11, 2011
I've been meaning to solicit info and opinions from the experienced AR-informed crowd about recommended sling mount points on the AR. Seems like for a two-point sling there are a few options:
Forward mount:
Near muzzle end of forward hand grip or;
Near receiver end of forward hand grip.
Rear mount:
Where the receiver and butt stock meet or;
At or near the tail of the butt stock

For a one-point sling either:
Where the receiver and butt stock meet or;
At or near the tail of the butt stock

I've played around with the two-point options a bit, but was wondering if there is either a consensus or a clear set of tradeoffs for each option. And in general, I care less about optimizing for carrying/shooting with a heavy plate-laden vest or pack. More looking for quick sighting, and overall maneuverability of myself and my weapon.

The question (above) applies to right-handed shooting on a right-handed configured AR (which is the majority case for the population and can just be reversed for LH'ers with LH guns). Also (for bonus points), since I am left-handed and have one right-handed carbine, would the fact that I'd be shooting from my left shoulder but have to charge the carbine with a left-side lever affect the strap mounting point?

Good question. I have mine set up several different ways because ive found it sort of depends on the gear I'm wearing or have mounted on the gun.

One thin I've found I don't like is having the rear connection too close to the grip. But the front connection I can run near the receiver or way out on the end of the rail depending.
I generally dont like to use the mount near the rear of the receiver when using the sling in a 2-Point, but it is the only spot for a quality single point set up.
I've settled on a 3-point sling. Using the standard side sling mount that goes through the front sight. Rear threads through stock. This configuration can be quickly removed, can easily function as a 2 or 1 point depending on need.

FireForce 8342 sling
Really like these. Made in USA.
My preference is with the rear attachment on the buttstock and the front just barely forward of the magwell. I'm OK with the front as far forward as the FSB, if that's my only option, and I'm OK with the rear at the receiver/buffer tube junction, but neither is my preference. However, I have seen a decent number of knowledgeable people who seem to like the rear at the receiver/buffer tube junction.
Israeli Style as in tied around the front sight? Cuz I like that too. Makes it a lot more comfortable to shoulder. And you don't need to worry about sling swivels.
Bare in mind, if you tie off your sling on the front sight A frame you could easily change your point of impact with a free float barrel AR. Probably wouldn't be as big of a deal with a standard for arm setup.
Israeli Style as in tied around the front sight? Cuz I like that too. Makes it a lot more comfortable to shoulder. And you don't need to worry about sling swivels.
Exactly. I'll have to pull my M4 and M16 Clones out and shoot some pics. The Paracord attachment and the IDF Patrol sling is my preferred sling option on all AR-15 types and several other rifle variants.

That would be great. I'd like to see that. And am surprised, but now informed that locating the rear attachment at the receiver/buttstock joint seems to be undesirable with a two-point.
Please keep those cards and letters coming.
For a 2-point that is a pure carry/retention sling, lots of people like to have the front attachment point at the rear of the handguard, near the front of the receiver so that when they bring the rifle up to fire, they don't grab a handful of sling with their support side hand.

That is fine, but I also like to use my 2-point sling as a marksmanship aid sometimes, and you need to have the sling attach in front of your support hand to do that. I like having the sling mount on the side of the handguard just forward of where my hand goes for my close quarters/dynamic offhand position, so I can index off it, kind of like a hand stop. The crook of my hand between the thumb and index finger goes right up against it. basically this puts the sling mount on the front end of a carbine-length handguard, or the middle of a rifle-length handguard.

You are right that with a 2-point, it is not ideal to put the rear swivel on the back end of the receiver. The sling mounts that go there are more intended for single-point slings. But as others have said, that is the best place to mount one of those.
For AR carbines i like single 2 point combos.

I prefer slings with quick clips like the Magpul MS2 or MS3 and loop style mounts like the Magpul RSA for the front and ASAP for the rear.

I like a sling that is 1 or 2 point. More flexibility. I can go single or 2 point depending on current activity.

I like my sling mounts point fairly close. I like the rear one at the reciever end plate. I can use this one with a single point sling. For 2 point, I like my front point 4 to 6 inches from the receiver. This keeps them fairly close which keeps them out of the way of my arms and allows quick shoulder mount while keeping the muzzle out of the dirt when it is hanging.
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