Practice with airsoft helpful for lifefire exercises

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Jun 8, 2003
Arlington, TX
I was at an IPSC match last month, and a Japanese guy came in and DESTROYED the competition. It turns out, he doesn't even own a real firearm, as Japan has such strict laws. Rather, he trains with one of those high$$$ airsofts (he uses a $400 custom Glock replica) available now, and shoots thousands of times a week. He'll then fly in for money matches and borrows his guns on arrival. He was FAST.

Any thoughts on using airsoft to train, and does anyone know where I can get a high-end 1911 airsoft? I bet there's a bigger difference in recoil between the real downloaded-Glock and its airsoft replica, vs. the recoil in a 1911 .45 and its airsoft replica. However, I'm thinking it might be good to train with, and save on ammo costs.

The police have realized the helpfulness of airsoft. They are now using them to train under live fire with them.

Recoil won't be the same, nor will the trigger pull, etc. But you can still practice the basics like breathing, trigger control, etc.

Also during those types of matches the most time saving part is not shooting it's transitions. Loading, moving, etc.

search Gas Blow Back pistols for Western Arms brand. They are considered the top of the line for 1911s. They make some of the nicest airsoft pistols on the market.

It's a hong kong site, and shipping is outragious, but they are very reliable and trustworthy. I've purchased from them before and if I was still into airsoft would only purchase through them.

Western Arms are the professional grade kind of airsoft guns, they are much much much nicer than anything you'll find at Big 5, or prettymuch anywhere else in the US. We have some real crap in the US, as far as airsoft is concerned.
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search Gas Blow Back pistols for Western Arms brand. They are considered the top of the line for 1911s. They make some of the nicest airsoft pistols on the market.

What he said. WA do the finest pistols on the Airsoft market.

There are also a few good US retailers, though. WGC have probably the best range of guns and kit, but I think you'd be better off going for one of the more "local" shops.
I use an Airsoft 1911 for practice in my home. You can't draw and shoot on any of the ranges here and with the way ammo prices are going, Airsoft looks better every day. I have a small target with 3 bullseye's, from right to left, about 3.5", 2.5" and 1.5". When you hit them they drop down and when you hit the small one, they all pop back up. Great fun and great practice. The Blowback Airsofts are very accurate and provide much of the fun of shooting.
Airsoft skirmishing is good for learning communication and movement in force on force scenarios. Airsoft pellets travel at about 328~400 fps and will leave a welt. It has often been said that bruises in training mean less bleeding in combat. It is also MUCH less expensive than the totally realistic simunition.

I think airsoft is the best thing since sliced lite bread for realistic practice, both alone, and with "enemies". It will certainly change your mind as to what works and what doesnt and regardless of how good you "think" you are, just how good you "really" are. Better learn to draw and shoot while your moving, if you stand still, you die! :)
How about this?

Check out the online catalog. I'm kind of a paintball junkie, but I was impressed with the realism of my $20 airsoft Beretta copy. (P.S. those things really hurt)
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