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Moderator Emeritus
May 22, 2003
Lexington,North Carolina...or thereabouts
As Katrina bears down on our friends around New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Gulfport, Mobile, Gulf Shores, and other areas in the path of this hellish thing, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I've seen a Category 2 storm. I don't even want to imagine what a Cat-5 is like.

This thread will be removed when the storm has passed.

Agreed. Living on the gulf coast is bad enough, but watching one of those things churn out in the gulf turns my stomach.

At least it did not come into Houston. I am not sure the city can really evacuate like N.O. did. My wife and I have decided that we would probably just have to stick it out vs. ride it out on I-10.
Peter, having lived in both cities, Houston is much better prepared to handle a storm like this. Houston has a much better road system and far more points of egress.

If one of these ever head for Houston, get out of dodge. Riding out a storm like this is a deathwish.

Prayers are all we have to offer the folks down there right now, and they sure need them...... Come Tuesday they'll need a lot more than prayers.
Your probably right, but getting stuck on 10 is more scary to me then riding it out.

I guess none of us will know what we will do when we have to stare at the family and make the "go/no-go" call.
Johnny - despite my relative distance from this monster I am aware of just how much power it has stored up. It is horrific.

I hope firstly that folks have travelled enough to be clear of the worst but the pessimistic side of me senses that awful, fearsome damage is gonna occur.

All folks in all affected and adjacent areas are very much in my thoughts - right now.
I think Katrina is goin to hit us all in the pocket book. I think gas will jump up in price again. But first, prayers for the people of LA. and MS.
Wholesale gas is up about 60 cents since the incident. I would expect $3 as the new base for gas.

Several major refineries are down for the foreseeable future. Trust me when I say we are in a panic to get them up and running again!

Having been born and raised in N.O. we took hurricanes as a matter of course. Went through Betsy in '65 (165 mph winds) and Camille in '69 (200 mph) which turned at the last moment and hit the Gulf Coast just about wiping it off the map. With Betsy there was some flooding, but the levees basically held and the water was mostly gone in several days except for the extreme low-lying areas. What's happened with Katrina is just unreal even for a city that is 3/4 below sea level and almost surrounded by water. I guess all of us expected this to happen some day, but still can't believe it has.
Old Fuff,

I reading some MMS (US gov Mineral Management service) reports today on the oil industry damage in the gulf. Frankly it is "grim". My guess is you should be expecting near $4/gallon soon. Maybe in a matter of a week or 10 days but then again it may settle back toward $3 in a few months.

Lets keep the prayers and focus of the refugees who are coming out and many are heading here to Houston.

I hope you're wrong, but think it's likely your right. $4.00 gas will throw our whole economy into a downward direction. You are going to see business and personal bankruptcies right and left ...
A few pipelines are back on partial flow we have some access to the tanks and it looks like the bulk of the shallow water production is spared.

The problem now is the 8 refineries that are down. 2 I heard may be up in a week or two but the big boys like ours are down for a lot longer.
I just talked to my neighbor. He deals with downstream a lot (refining and distribution). His comment is most of the refineries will be up pretty quick. Maybe 2 more weeks except for a few of the big ones like ours. The problem is the pipelines and getting the feedstocks to refineries. Also LOOP (Louisiana offshore oil port) is running on backup generators and the plantation oil pipeline is at 95% capacity.

Those are both good news!
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