President of Federal on ammo shortage

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The issue with gun people is there are so many opinions that are just out dated. The gun community like the hunting community is aging and the youth in general are not taking their place. Hunting is a dying sport. Shooting is not something that is growing. Fear is the only thing driving guns and ammo.
I have talked with old shooters who think the AR and AK are a type of gun that is not needed. One told me he left the NRA when they stood up for the AR15. I said when the ARs are gone they will come for your 7600 Rem or call your 700 a sniper rifle and restrict or ban it. He would not see things outside of we don't need these guns in our society. Just like that idiot who cut his AR in half. There are too many old farts who are the get off my lawn types that do a lot to kill any interest in guns or shooting. They would rather argue with someone on some small useless point than actually be a part of the never ending fight to keep guns from being banned. The arrogance in the gun community is very high. YouTube is full of videos of people like that idiot who did a video and said no one unless you are a tool and die person can build an 80% AR. LOL This is the type of ego that is rampant in the community. I think he took his video down because it was just so stupid. My fav is the guys who will say I will only have an Aimpoint or some other over priced glass on their gun. LOL most of them are over weight idiots who think that they are some kind of super soldier. LOL


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The arrogance in the gun community is very high. YouTube is full of videos of people like that idiot who did a video and said no one unless you are a tool and die person can build an 80% AR. LOL This is the type of ego that is rampant in the community.

Yep. And for people like me, who are highly motivated to become proficient, and contribute, it's a huge turn off. Some introspection is definitely required. But that's not how many people roll. Sadly, that is simply the reality the "gun community" needs to reconcile. Truly, that's the case with many recreational activities and hobbies. Be it the guitar community, the golf community, the skateboarding community, etc. Difference is, none of those "activities" are in the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment is really THAT important. And it should be. And hopefully it will be for generations to come. But, that's up to all of us. Every single one of us.
There is no typical gun owner and we wouldn't want it that way. There are many different outlooks and we all arrived where we are at by different routes. We must be us, but we must also be cautious of how social media makes it so easy if not tempting to divide, upset, and act out. Let's just try not to feed on our own.

It can be challenging to find common ground, but it's there if we look for it. Like the meme says, we've gotten to a point where we don't want to hear someone's opinion, we want to hear our opinion coming out of someone else's mouth. Too often, we dial in only the news we want to hear and adopt someone else's thinking as our own. I don't think empathy is gone forever, but it seems to be in short supply judging by media headlines. It's not stupid to refrain from disparaging others. It's OK to think before speaking. Many of us are still trying to make our mothers proud of us, even though they are no longer with us. It's a promise that I don't take lightly.
There is no typical gun owner and we wouldn't want it that way.

Agreed, however, it seems that the ones that shine the most negative light tend to be the loudest. And those are the ones our opponents latch on to, and say "SEE!!! THIS is what we are up against!" I can't remember where I saw this, but there was a spot on YT where the host was talking about how the Anti-2nd Amendment establishment shows this in full display. The Anti-2nd Amendment group always finds an intellectual type to speak for them. He or she is always well dressed, well spoken and has a list of academic credentials. Then, when they put up the 2nd Amendment guy, it's always some older dude, with a pot belly, wearing flannel and chewing on stick of hay. It's rarely the same type of intellectual looking guy or gal. That's the perception that needs to change, and in many cases, we just aren't helping ourselves in that regard.
What you are describing is the lens distortion of media, both mainstream and social. Best we can do is recognize it and not further those interests.

Unfortunately, we are wandering off the original topic and into the philosophical/ metaphysical weeds, and I am as guilty as anyone in that. Best see if we can get back on track or this thread will join many others that lost relevance. :D
"There are too many old farts who are the get off my lawn types that do a lot to kill any interest in guns or shooting. They would rather argue with someone on some small useless point than actually be a part of the never ending fight to keep guns from being banned. "

Sadly, this is very true. At one of the Gun Hangouts I go to we were, naturally, all discussing the ammo shortage. One guy pipes up, "I'm not worried, I have stockpiled a MILLION rounds". I"M READY" My question is, "ready for what?" If you are the only one with ammo, what are you ready for? My point is, all this fear of legislation and fear of revolution and hoarding is just being plain old silly. if YOU do nothing about it. Fact is, all these holier than thou types who "I quit the NRA because of their stand" on this that or the other, feed right into the hands of the people who want to ban ammo and guns.

There is a non stop attempt by the left to ban ammo, tax ammo, mark ammo, track ammo. and the same with guns, 80% receivers and ANYTHING gun related. . They also want to destroy the NRA. Every time someone quits the NRA as a protest they contribute to the banning of ammo and the 2A.
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