President Reagan Passes Away

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I may not have always agreed with him, but I never doubted his crystal-clear love of America and the American people. He was a patriot.

If we all came to the table seeing America the way Reagan did, we'd be many steps closer to resolving our differences and grievances.
Rest in Peace Mr Reagan

Sad to read of Mr Reagan's passing, he was a good man - one of the best Presidents America had in the 20th Century. Without him the West would not have won the Cold War as quickly as we did...we all owe him a debt of gratitude!

Mr Reagan rest in peace, you will be missed.

He will be missed - he was a great President.

His death had me reflecting for a minute on the ones we've had since he was our leader; Bush1, Clinton and Bush2. None of them could hold a candle to the leadership he provided.
He's already been missed. I missed him every day of the Clinton Admin. He was the strongest leader we had that I can remember. I can't think of anybody who lived a fuller life.

Voting for President Reagan in 1980 was the first time I'd voted in the US since I'd become a citizen 12 years earlier.

I was well along by then in shedding my erstwhile left-liberal insanity and Reagan inspired me to begin participating in the political process of this great country.

I believe history will recognize him as one of our very greatest presidents.

We all knew this was coming; in a certain sense, he had died a few years ago.

Yet I feel very, very sad. This is a loss for all who love this country and who recognize what it stands for.

May he rest in peace.

He was definitely one of the greatest presidents to grace our fine country.
He was also a great fighter, a man of real strength.
May me Rest In Peace.
As I mourn his loss (for this country and his family) :( ,
I will also honor all the great things he did and the great person he was :) .
When Ronald Reagan ran against Jimmy Carter, it was the first - and so far only - time I was able to vote for someone for President. instead of voting against the other guy.

The best President in my lifetime, he'll be missed. :(
Don't be sad at President Reagan's death: he's gone home, after all. Rather, be proud and glad for all the good he did in his lifetime, not only as President, but also as a man. Be thankful for all those he helped (including most of the then-Communist Bloc, who owe their freedom today in large measure to his actions). Don't mourn his death - celebrate his life!

Godspeed, Mr. President.
Yes, one of my heroes has passed away to a greater place. I will miss him!

Our world is a better place, thanks to the late president Ronald Reagan.

God Bless Mr. President
I could TRY to write some long, flowery piece about RR, but instead, I'll just say it feels like I have a big hole in my chest today.

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