Presidential Info

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Jun 30, 2006
Here is a neat site that will ask about 40 question and then show you which candidates think like you do. You can then click on a candidate and get real information on what the candidate said about a particular issue. The first three questions are about firearms. If you don't have the time for the questions just select no opinion and you will get through to the candidates quickly.

Here are some direct links to the candidate's answers. Just scroll down and select the orange/yellow text to get actual statements from the candidates.

Ron Paul

Mike Huckabee

John McCain

Mit Romney

Fred Thompson

Rudy Guiliani

I didn't list the Democrats but if you go to the web site and take the test you can click on their pictures and get the same info. It is scary.

From other area's like the NRA I am not sure I trust McCain's positions on this test. I vote today. Still can't decide if Paul would be a wasted vote but I sure like him. It's still between Huckabee and Paul and Thompson for me.
Big surprise there, "Closest to 'He-who-must-not-be-named', and farthest from Mr. Obama".
Not the worst of the political tests out there, nice find.
Found it strange that the "" test showed me much closer to Fred Thompson and farther from Ron Paul. Don't get me wrong, I think the three best candidates out there are Ron Paul, Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee (not necessarily in that order).
farthest from obama, closest to rudy. kind of amazed me. might have been my support for torturing terrorists.

i question some of the placements on their chart though. on economics, huckabee is way to the left of any of the other republicans, yet the chart shows him right in line with RP.

in any case, an interesting web site.
Closest to Mike Huckabee (?)
Farthest from Barack Obama (no surprises).

But why is Duncan Hunter absent????????????

Fer crying out loud, Richardson is still there and he's already pulled out!
farthest from obama, closest to rudy. kind of amazed me. might have been my support for torturing terrorists.

No, you misread for Torturing TOURISTS.. (mostly by hotel taxes, rental car taxes, and so on... :)
Oh my, that test placed me right between Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani, but aparently closest to Ron. And of course, furtherst from Obama. Quite amazing, I enspected to land just right of the Democrats.
BS results as far as I can tell.
Site scored me closest to Rudy and furthest from Obama.
When I compared my results to Ron Paul I came up with 968
When I compared to Rudy I came up with 649
Why bother to include Ron Paul when they lie about the results?
a scary thought...

go to the end, and click just the "Gun Control" box.
Kinda scary where Guili and Romney ended up, no?
Obviously we're not single issue voters here, but it's
rather odd for someone running for the GOP Ticket.
as for Hillary...too bad they don't show where a candidate HAS BEEN.

Closest to Giuliani, furthest from Obama.

However, I'm not letting any computer do my thinking for me. What these tests don't take into consideration is how important to me each of the issues are compared to each other. It assumes equal importance. After reviewing the comparison of my answers to the positions of other GOP candidates, I still favor Thompson.

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