Pro Abortion Yet Anti Gun, Help Me Understand This

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Dec 8, 2006
As we all know our Democrat friends tend to be pro abortion but anti gun. They say they don't want government in a woman's womb yet it's OK to intrude on my desire to own a high speed rock thrower. At least Libertarians are consistent on no government intrusion into either while Republicans view abortion essentially as murder and respect most of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment.
Incidentally, my Democrat Representative from MN, Collin Peterson, is one of the "Blue Dogs" who are anti-abortion and pro gun. How anyone like that could coexist in a party led by the likes of Nancy Pelosi just plain baffles me.:uhoh:
Uh. Actually, neither of the two major parties respect the constitution. Most would like to pick-and-choose from the bill of rights as it suits them; Neither support the whole thing in a manner that could be described as in line with what the founding fathers intended.

I am in a precarious position in that I could really care less if people have abortions (too many people in this world, too many welfare queens who can't support or parent their children) and I could really care less if people are gay/lesbian and want to get married. But I'd really rather like it if the damn politicans would leave my guns alone (both parties).

So I don't have anybody to vote for except Libertarian. There's no proven party who will both leave abortions alone, leave the poor gays alone, and leave my damn guns alone. And the Liberterians seem to be running on the "smoke pot" platform, not the "do unto others" platform, as they should.
Personal Responsibility

I will take a stab at it. To me, it seems that they are fostering lack of personal resonsibility. To bear arms is to take personal responsibility for your safety and defense, rather than rely on the government. As we know, the government has no duty to protect citizens, so it may or may not come to your assistance. Therefore, why protect myself, the government will do it. :rolleyes:

As for abortion, rather than taking actions not to get pregnant, (which may include abstinence or contraceptives), people terminate the pregnancy instead which may destroy offspring. I don't want to behave myself, I'd rather act like a prostitute. :rolleyes:
Look at it from their perspective, and it makes sense.

They argue: "a fetus is not a person"
They argue: "guns kill people"

They would argue that abortion doesn't hurt anybody ("not a real person yet"), so it's a personal decision, like being Baptist or smoking weed. However owning guns does hurt other people, because you might shoot someone in a fit of rage, have your gun stolen by a criminal, or have a kid find it and hurt himself.

Of course it won't make sense if you look at it from your perspective, you have to look through the other side's eyes.

From the Forum Rules:

"We have learned from bitter experience that discussions of abortion, religion and sexual orientation often degenerate into less-than-polite arguments or claims that "my God is better than your God". For this reason, we do not discuss such subjects on THR, and any threads dealing primarily with these subjects will be closed or deleted immediately."
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