Pro Player Stadium and My Civil Liberties Violations

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Dec 28, 2002
Here's the scoop:

Last night my wife and I and some friends from work went to see the Florida Marlins play. We had awesome seats (they are H. Wayne's Huzienga's personal seats, thats how good they are although I don't think he goes much anymore) otherwise I'd have left.

We were expecting rain, and knowing that I could not bring in an umbrella (more on that later), I had my wife take a large handbag and we put our rain jackets along with a phone, wallet, etc. in it. We get to the gate and you'd have thought I was a terrorist with the way the lady was acting. "Ma'am, that bag's too big. 'Jim', can you come look at this? That bag's just too big." and "Jim" concurs. "You'll have to take that back to the car." I say, "Why? it's just a handbag. You want to see what's inside?" "Nope, you'll have to take it back to the car."

So anyway, I intended to make a statement. The bag wasn't anything expensive but my wife liked it. I can replace it. I take everything out of the bag and put it in pockets, or wherever, and fold the bag up and throw it in the garbage. I asked the guy if he was happy and told him I already felt safer and proceeded to go in.

Now, ordinarily, I would have trapsed the half-mile back to my car but being the second time this has happened to me this year, NO WAY! I'm P'O'd now. Last time, it was my umbrella. It was raining and we walked from the car with the umbrella. Same song and dance from "security" so I took it back to the car and walked back in wet.

Now, some of you are saying "it's private property, they have the righ...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH" I don't care. Here's why--in 3 days, they will be giving away backpacks to fans that come in. You know the drill. First 7500 get the backpack, etc. That backpack they are giving away is bigger than my wife's bag. Additionally, these buttheads routinely give away umbrellas. What gives?

Am I out of line? All they are doing is keeping folks from bringing in outside food. That's obvious. The umbrella thing I can halfway understand because umbrellas have the potential to block other spectator's views.

I have pretty much made up my mind that I am not going back there. To hell with them. I also intend to write a letter to the director of operations over there once I find out who that person is.

I think this "Homeland Security" BS has gone WAY too far. They claim this is for everyone's "safety" when all they want is to sell you a $5 hot dog and a $7 beer in a plastic bottle.

I'd for sure not be planning on going to a Marlins game again anytime soon.

I'd be telling my friends, and everyone I know the how and why of it.

But unless it was a government official or agent of the gov't making you make the choice, it's the property owners' decision what they will and won't allow. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH :D

The exception to that (to me) is that your ticket should have stated something about the prohibition. If I were to pay for a ticket, then find out when I got to the gate that they had rules they hadn't disclosed, I'd be royally steamed.

And yeah, the Homeland Security deal has gone way, way too far.
Same thing last year at Cleveland Browns Stadium. Can't bring in anything, but the Chevy Dealers are big sponsors/promtoers. So, all last season they gave away those soft-side coolers with the Chevy logo on them. You got a cooler inside the stadium, but you can't bring it back next week.

And they keep the caps of the bottled water/soft drinks.

It has nothing to do with security (homeland or otherwise). It is about $$$. They don't want you to bring in any thing that could buy there. Security is just an excuse to be hogs. Same with the "federal" prohibition on flyover banners. The team owners have always hated these because they can't extract any $$$ from them.
You're right to point out the hypocracy of "No Large Bags-But Be Sure to Come to our 'Big Bag' promotion".

However, the only difference I'd note is that this is not exactly a "Civil Liberties Violation". The government did not set this policy...the stadium authority did.

I'd write them, and my local newspaper, and ask them to explain their policy.
Oooohhh, I like the paper idea. My wife's friend works for the Miami Herald. Bet I could get her to point me in the right direction.
Be sure to tell the Stadium first, and then go to every paper, news station in town.

Who knows, you might get free backpacks for the whole family, plus stadium issued umbrellas.

The next time you show up, with their issued gear, how can they stop you from entering?

Anyway, this Big Brother Thing is starting to really get out of hand.
It's within their rights...

to do whatever they want.

You are not obligated to attend a baseball game. You are not obligated to fly. You are not obligated to do anything but pay your taxes ON TIME.

I threw away a pop-out umbrella at a Raiders/Titans game a few years back. There was quite an assortment of high-quality umbrellas in that trash can. Of course, after the game, all of the 'garbage' cans were conveniently empty.

If you wanna go to "their" sporting event, etc... You've got to play by the rules they dream up.

btw, the raiders/titans was the last event I've attended and I have not flown since before 9/11 and will not unless I HAVE to for a funeral/wedding or something of that sort.

Remember, the biggest statement is made with your dollars.
I wouldn't lump ball games in with the airlines. The taxes that we are obligated to pay on time are partially used to keep the airlines going. I'm not talking about tax breaks but large checks issued to private airlines from public funds.
Your wife's bag is coming from the outside in.

The back pack will be given to you once you get inside the security perimeter.

In other words, they know, or have a better expectation, that the pack is going to be empty if they give it to you as opposed to you bringing it in.

As for the umberella, what the hell is up with that?
I was having a conversation about this the other day, and we all agreed it comes down to

concessions - yep, concessions.

These dopes are using 9/11 to make sure you don't bring snacks or drinks into the ballpark. No one in the organization probably came right out and put it that way, but they all thought it.

When I was a kid you could bring whatever you wanted into Memorial Stadium, including beer. Then, at some point, in a crackdown on rowdy drunks, they stopped that. 9/11 offered the chance to ban backpacks.
Sure, there are still people yelling "Cheaper on the outside!" at Camden Yards, and bringing in a hot dog or a Coke isn't prohibited, but by banning backpacks they made it impossible for Mom, Dad, and the kids to bring in a bunch of snacks.

Buncha greedy snakes...:cuss:

I agree.

Did I mention that I'm totally opposed to government 'bailouts' of airlines?
Serves you right

to get jerked around like that; you've identified yourself as a sucker by voluntarily paying money to watch other people play a ball game. Play ball yourself, or go shooting, or go home and read a book, or something.
I see a unique opportunity here. You should go to the gate and stand there. When they give some poor b-----d some crap over their property, simply state that you will hold the property outside of the gate for a nominal fee, say, $2.00. Give them a claim check and place the stuff in the little red wagon you brought with you.. About a half-hour before the game is over, bring all of the stuff yoiu have collected in your little red wagon and let the people retrieve their stuff. This could be quite profitable on a rainy day.
Your problem is pretty clear. You are thinking, the "security guards" are robots who are frequently incapable of indicating that they have need to relieve themselves.

This is what was inevitable when the sheep started bleating about how they wanted to feel safe. Now, they are being protected and the cost is rationality and your freedom.
Once you too get your prefrontal lobotomy, you will understand. You just need to be made happy, sit down in your assigned seat, and be quiet.:banghead:
Serves you right to get jerked around like that; you've identified yourself as a sucker by voluntarily paying money to watch other people play a ball game. Play ball yourself, or go shooting, or go home and read a book, or something.
Ah, but that is where you are wrong. I am very fortunate to work for a large company and I get tickets to sporting events all the time, sometimes even parking passes. So I rarely pay for them (in fact, I have never paid for them since moving to FL). I just pay for the concessions and sometimes, if I am lucky enough to score tickets to the box, I don't even spend one cent. So what am I compaining about!


So what am I compaining about!
There ya go. You just answered your own question ("Am I out of line?") and negated your own thread header.

Given enough time, logic will prevail.

Next thread please.
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