Profanity Among 20-Something Shooters

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
Being nearly 40, I may well be considered an old man. And that may make me sensitive to loud music and kids on my lawn and such. That said, I have been noticing something among younger shooters both at the public ranges and in gun stores over the past few years. They are far more prone than I ever was to use strings of serious profanity when talking about firearms. Certain arms are dismissed as "gay" or "ghey" while others are "$#@$#@ @#$#@" which I guess is supposed to be good. I don't know if they're doing this to compensate for some nervous tension and uncertainty or what, but it reflects poorly on shooters in general. I also wonder if this is coming from the profanity-laced world of on line gaming, which they associate with firearms.

Still, I didn't really feel it was my place to tell them to watch their language. Though I am wearing suspenders, carrying a revolver and I do listen to old time radio at night. What can be done about this short of direct confrontation?
As an old HS teacher and college prof, I'd have to say it is age related indeed. You can try and give them "the eye."

If it's that bad you have the right to ask the range to move you to another lane so you don't have to be near them.
Minus the suspenders and old time music at night (I prefer gospel) I hear ya cosmoline. Lack of parenting, the fact it my make them feel "cool", or just lack of respect and education. The reasons are numeruos but it makes me cringe when I think our future is in there hands. Not to be politcal but it seems this adminstration (Rahm Emanual) has no problem with obceneties. "Attitude reflects leadership". We need strong positive role models today, they are sorely lacking.
Ignore them, it just showes they lack the ability to communicate in an intelligent manner.

Or you could confront them with what I just said.

Just another indication of where our society is going.
The only time I ever mention it at the range is if small kids are within earshot. The offenders are usually apologetic and stop, or at least try. Politicians of all stripe (and party) are notorious for their foul language.
I was at a range / gun store near us and when I walked in there was this gangster lookin dude in there with his pants way down and his underwear showin...the owner of the shop told him to pull up his pants or leave

the gangster lookin dude was like "mang you pickin on me!?!?" the owner said "pull up your pants or leave"

new favorite gun store lol
I am against all the sour use of profanity amongst not just kids, but adults too. Don't just lay the use of profanity on the 20 somethings.. There is plenty of it going around in the 30 and 40, and gosh , even 50 something crowds. Once the 60s came around, the whole world turned upside down, morally. However, I do have to agree there probably is a much greater distribution of the more offensive vulgarities being prevalent in the teen and 20 something crowds.

The problem is that kids today are not disciplined at all and just run around wild doing whatever they please. And many parents are afraid to discipline their children for fear that they can get reported and have social services either arrest them or take their children from them. This whole world is inside out, IMO.
First, I'm only 40, I'm not old! Uh, I mean YOU'RE only 40 you're not old. :eek:

Second, I can't remember a time when profanity wasn't the norm when it comes to youth. You are just more attuned to it now that you are a bit more mature.

They will grow up too.
Take a trip down to your local county courthouse. People in general, not just kids aren't watching their mouths anymore. It just seems especially rude to me to curse in the presence of children or the elderly. Every time I see that, I can't help but imagine my mom's hand slapping me in the back of my head and washing my mouth out with soap...literally, not figuratively.

These days things are getting to the point that people actually compliment you for holding the door for a lady or obeying "ladies' first" where applicable. Heck, I'm in my mid-30's and women my age sometimes act surprised to have a car door opened for them on a date, saying stuff like "no one has ever done that!" When I was growing up, that's just what you did to avoid mom smacking your head or dad belt-checking you.
Profanity should be used sparingly, so it can remain an effective use of language. If overused it becomes annoying, like saying "dude" alot.
I know I can (and do) ignore them, but I feel like I should make some kind of statement, without being confrontational, that helps guide the youngsters. This behavior is *NOT* limited to the gang banger types, unfortunately. Young men with military training (sometimes in uniform) and who seem to know their way around firearms are doing it, too. Not good, but then again telling them to can it is probably just going to back them against the wall.
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Can you shoot Skeet and never use profanity?

Perhaps. But I do not believe it's ever been tried.
This thread is not about guns or the RKBA - it's about social behaviors. And, as such, that makes it off topic for THR.
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