PRVI bullets from Grafs undersized?

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Jun 19, 2008
I recently bought some PRVI JHP bullets from Graf & Sons in both 45 and 40, and of course once my 20 or so practice loads seemed to work, I loaded a bunch of 45's and 50 or so of the 40's. Imagine my surprise when I started experiencing consistent bullet setback problems, perhaps as many as 1 out of 4. Well after giving up and coming home, checking my die settings, crimp (just a hair more than straightening the case), and then I finally measured the bullets....The 45's were .448 at best, and the 40's were .398 at best. I am really :cuss: at myself for loading over 100 rounds without my usual OCD-like measuring, double, triple checking, etc. but fortunately they all pulled down VERY easily.
Has anyone else used these bullets or had similar experiences?
contacting Grafs...

I am waiting to hear back from them... I have been told they are very reasonable, and will probably work with me....
Response from Grafs

I just received a VERY prompt reply from Graf & Sons, stating they were not only willing to take back the unused bullets, but will issue a call tag to save me any freight charges. They are also shipping my replacement order of Berry's plated in several calibers freight paid. I don't know about the rest of you, but that kind of customer service is VERY, VERY much appreciated by me, and I think that Graf & Sons has just made a friend and a loyal customer out of me for sure! :D
Be sure & measure the Berry's too!

I had a bad experience with their 9mm 124 HP's this spring.

I got .355", .356", & .357" in the same box of 250.

Double checking

rcmodel, I will keep that in mind.... to quote Pete Townshend... "won't get fooled again!" Still :cuss: at myself for letting them get by me in the first place, so let that be a reminder to all of those of us here that "know better". At no point should the word "hurry" be part of our reloading practices.... just remember what happened to that franx1911a guy...:D
On the bright side, I have already received the FedEx call tag and the bullets are on their way back to Grafs. I think its remarkable these days when someone promises customer satisfaction and follows thru, instead of just paying lip service...
That is the kind of response that I love to see on these forums. That kind of good will advertising cannot be bought for any amount of advertising dollars. Thank you for starting and following through on this thread. I will be shifting some of my budget towards them....
Griz, I wish I could be shifting ALL of my budget towards them.... but apparently I have to pay for those silly extras in life... electricity, house payment, groceries... my wife tells me the list goes on and on!
Never mind setback, how about key-holing?

Man, .448" AT BEST... That SUX! Nice QC there PP... NOT! Maybe next time, lay of the slivovitz.
I have a problem with their 55 grain .224's for my AR. They measured slightly large and were giving me problems with shoulder setback due to the smallish size of die. I only bought 100 55's and 100 62's to try out. The 62's were fine and shot them up but went back to Winchester bulk for plinking ammo. Their loaded ammo has been good to go for the price.
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