Public Speaking assignment for college- need your input.

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Another college graduate who has written many a paper, penned many a column for the student paper, and given many a speech on the virtues of the 2A.

Here is my advice:
Don't sound crazy.

A good way to sound crazy is to talk about the gigantic threats posed to the Second Amendment by Barack Obama, the ATF, and the blue-helmeted UN stormtroopers.

When you speak about something to an audience you suspect will be hostile, you must do your homework and know the subject so well that you don't need source cards to tell you what your research says.

Assuming your audience is likely to be primarily neutral, leaning pro-gun control, or totally pro-gun control, do you really think it's the best idea to talk about the dangers of threats to the Second Amendment? To an audience that will likely applaud a lot of what you perceive as threats to the Second Amendment? Sounds like setting yourself up for failure.

Pick one specific topic that is not too overarching or ambitious. I did a literature review on research surveys that tried to measure the frequency of defensive gun use. This is not the huge "My speech is about the Second Amendment" that turns into an emotional 16-hour rant. It was a paper that identified the primary research on the subject, the conflicting research, points upon which all the research agreed, the social ramifications of the research points that were agreed upon, and ways to improve the current research.

The biggest mistake high school and college 2A supporters make in their speeches and papers is starting from a conclusion and finding evidence to support it. That is not a scientific or rational approach. It is one thing to have a hypothesis, it is another thing to have a conclusion before you do your research. Find your research, then decide what specific topic you will use.
Avoid speculative arguments. You will lose your audience with "evil Obama" rhetoric pretty quickly.
In the business, and I get the hint that you want to do a political rant against Obama. Bad idea. Also using internet sources as primary is a bad idea.

Want a balanced book on the issues - Gun Control and Gun Rights by McClurg, Kopel and Denning. Good pros and cons on the gun issues.

Being progun, I'd flunk you for an unsubtantiated political rant.
This is an informative speech, right?

How about pointing out how the news media constantly misidentifies "assault rifles"?

You don't have to say you are for or against anything, just point out that true assault rifles are fully automatic weapons. Most of the guns in news stories about crimes are not fully automatic guns. Just discuss the technical differences, with a few recent news stories as examples.

You come across as a level headed truth seeker, not a guy with an agenda. Your follow-up persuasive speech on the second amendment is more likely to be well received.
Just another thought. How about a presentation about women owning guns? Lots of angles here; manufacturers making models specially for women, number of women getting ccw's, stats about women being victims of crimes.
But I will not give you the information. You have to research it yourself like I did. :rolleyes: Only I did it before Al Gore invented the Interent. :mad:
Google is your friend.

Threats to the Second Amendment is not an informative speech: It's a persuasive speech.

If you want a firearms topic, may I suggest the 100th anniversary of the Model 1911 Pistol's adoption by the U.S. Army? This is informative because it deals with history, is significant, it served in both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and the basic pattern is still in use by some military units today.

You can also talk about John Moses Browning, one of the most significant firearm designers in history.

This would be an informative speech, allow you to express your interest in firearms, is non-political (no matter what the professor thinks about guns, it's hard to argue with one used by our armed services) and might spark some interest in your listeners. Furthermore, you're not being confrontational, you are presenting facts.
If it were me, I'd start by explaining how and why the 2nd Amendment came into being, what role it has played in history and why it's important today. Simple meat and potatoes stuff. With lots of interesting history, quotes and fun stuff in between.

Who knows, you may have an impact on other students who don't understand the basics.
ar e you looking to vent or looking for a good grade on your assignment ?
having graded PS assignments for 25 years at a major enginneering college i
would suggest you avoid the 2ndA if you want a decent grade. college professsors are a funny lot....example...i had a african-american female who was a great shot with the university Rifle Team...she did a very good presentation on
Small Bore Competition...she got a C on the final because her prof didn't
understand half of what she it safe. try to find out your professsor's passion is.. i've worked with quite a variety.
example: american prof's -marathons, music(piano tuner)..chinese- children&child safety..swedish-cheese&cooking....iranian-poker/texas holdum...dutch-woodworking..
i could go on & on....please your grader/graders if possible..
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